May 24/1886As Written:86
I called on Mrs. Noyes todayAs Written:to Day and told her I was afraid I would be forgotten. but Mrs Noyes did not seem to think so, but told me previous to this that you would have only one more class? and then hold off till next fall. I am very anxious to be in your next class. I feel I cannot wait. I would have taken a course of Lectures off Mrs Noyes but my first Impression of the mind after reading your bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy was to go to Mrs Eddy. I believe God gave me that thought and I believe that God has called on me and I must obey. and for fear my last letter did not reach you I Telegraphed. I can furnish the best of recommendationsAs Written:reccommendations, Including Mrs. Noyes. I have given up my Business so I can give all of my time and attention, to your great work.
hoping to receive a speedy and favorable reply