Accession: 493.55.012
Editorial Title: D. B. and Bertha M. Hoyt to Mary Baker Eddy, January 24, 1885
Author: D. B. Hoyt  Bertha M. Hoyt 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: January 24, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by D. B. Hoyt and Bertha M. Hoyt on embossed lined paper from Birmingham, Connecticut.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeSent CurriculumAs Written:Cur
Feb 9

We take this opportunity of dropping As Written: droping you a few lines to see if there could be any help given in our case one of our neighbors As Written: neigbors thinks they have been As Written: ben greatly helped by your mode of treatment, their looks and actions Substantiate the fact. I will give you a little statement of our Daughter then leave it for my Wife to give particulars

She was a very active child. about 16 or 18 months ago she was taken poorly As Written: poorley being young only 12 years old we thought she might come out of it the Doct was called, did not As Written: didnot seem As Written: seam to understand her case. then another was called. after a long time he located the trouble as a womb trouble but failed to help her, she was taken away from home for treatment. Sometimes we thought her a little better, but I don’t As Written: dont think she is. in her bodily As Written: bodaly health she is pretty good, appetite fair, but she can’t As Written: cant walk. consequently suffers a great deal, So I would say in the language of one of old if thou canst we pray the to help us. D B Hoyt

Handshift:Bertha Miranda HoytMrs Eddie

Dear Madam

My husband has written briefly, and has not delineated the ailments of our daughter, and it seems a rather difficult task for me even, as the physicians As Written: phy-sicinas do not all agree as to causes &c, but her pains have from the first been located in the lower part of her bowels – at times very severe and extending upward to the stomach

I don’t As Written: dont think she has been free entirely from pain since she was taken down, that was one year ago last Oct. Most of the time she has just moved from one room to another, completely exhausted of course, and at no time has she walked any ways naturally, her feet are so far apart as she walks – and it hurts her to put them nearer together. Her nervous system has suffered considerable of course, pains in the back – and under the shoulders, and sleeplessness.

She is of full habit, and has gained in flesh some, also heightAs Written: highth . Her monthly periods are now considerable regular, she commenced at eleven years & three months of age quite too frequent for a number of months, but is a little slow now. During these periods she suffered with these same pains, and I never could relieve her.

She of course As Written: cours has taken some medicine, but no very powerful medicines, we do not think her system poisoned with medicines, circulation sluggish, and does not respond quickly to treatment

Perhaps I have said much more than was necessary, but we feel very anxious for her recovery and are hoping As Written: hopeing for the best of results, from the acct given of your wonderful treatment, so hoping As Written: hopeing to hears from you soon I remain

very truly yours
Mrs D B Hoyt
ConnecticutAs Written:Conn
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeSent CurExpanded:Curriculum
Feb 9

We take this opportunity of droping Corrected: dropping you a few lines to see if there could be any help given in our case one of our neigbors Corrected: neighbors thinks they have ben Corrected: been greatly helped by your mode of treatment, their looks and actions Substantiate the fact. I will give you a little statement of our Daughter then leave it for my Wife to give particulars

She was a very active child. about 16 or 18 months ago she was taken poorley Corrected: poorly being young only 12 months years old we thought she might come out of it the Doct was called, didnot Corrected: did not seam Corrected: seem to understand her case. then another was called. after a long time he located the trouble as a womb trouble but failed to help her, she was taken away from home for treatment. Sometimes we thought her a little better, but I dont Corrected: don’t think she is. in her bodaly Corrected: bodily health she is pretty good, appetite fair, but she cant Corrected: can’t walk. consequently suffers a great deal, So I would say in the language of one of old if thou canst we pray the to help us. D B Hoyt

Handshift:Bertha Miranda HoytMrs Eddie

Dear Madam

My husband has written briefly, and has not delineated the ailments of our daughter, and it seems a rather difficult task for me even, as the phy-sicinas Corrected: physicians do not all agree as to causes &c, but her pains have from the first been located in the lower part of her bowels – at times very severe and extending upward to the stomach

I dont Corrected: don’t think she has been free entirely from pain since she was taken down, that was one year ago last Oct. Most of the time she has just moved from one room to another, completely exhausted of course, and at no time has she walked any ways naturally, her feet are so far apart as she walks – and it hurts her to put them nearer together. Her nervous system has suffered considerable of course, pains in the back – and under the shoulders, and sleeplessness.

She is of full habit, and has gained in flesh some, also highth Corrected: height. Her monthly periods are now considerable regular, she commenced at eleven years & three months of age quite too frequent for a number of months, but is a little slow now. During these periods she suffered with these same pains, and I never could relieve her.

She of cours Corrected: course has taken some medicine, but no very powerful medicines, we do not think her system poisoned with medicines, circulation sluggish, and does not respond quickly to treatment

Perhaps I have said much more than was necessary, but we feel very anxious for her recovery and are hopeing Corrected: hoping for the best of results, from the acct given of your wonderful treatment, so hopeing Corrected: hoping to hears from you soon I remain

very truly yours
Mrs D B Hoyt
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