Your kind favor of 1st. inst.Editorial Note: This letter is not extant. is just now received.
Please accept my sincere thanks for the interest manifested by you in my behalf Your generous offer, in giving me my tuition free in case I take two students, would seem to be sufficient to render it easy and possible, for me to attend your school and learn this great and glorious truth. But I suppose if it were to save my life I could not, at present at least, induce two persons from this entire community to consent to go. As yet they know and understand so little about “Metaphysical Science”, and those who have some little knowledge of it are dubious, and would hesitate as to incurring any such expense, on what they would look upon, as an uncertainty. And even if I could get two students to go with me. I regret to be compelled to say that my circumstances are such that I could not leave for the next term, or October class.
I hope however to be able to go by next spring, and shall consider myself very fortunate if I can get away then. But I can never consent to rest in peace until I have acquired this grand and beautiful ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science.
I am reading you books. “Science & Health”Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy., also the Journal of Christian Science. and shall endeavor to inform myself on the subject as much as possible until Providence opens a way for me to learn the whole Truth.
I have conversed with many concerning Christian Science since my return, and several diseased persons have indicated their intentions of writing to Mrs. Crosse concerning treatment, to whom I recommended them, giving her address. My sister, who lives with me, and As Written: an , d has been an invalid for many years will commence treatment with Mrs. Crosse at once.
I am endeavoring to get up a club for the Journal, and when persons read those papers I think they must become interested in that direction.
Again thanking you for your kindness and generosity, which I certainly appreciate with all my heart, and as heartily regret that force of circumstances preventing my accepting the same, and hoping and praying that your days may be extended until this great Truth and Power may be disseminated throughout the land As Written: lan , d rescuing suffering humanity from sickness and sorrow
Your Friend Truly