I know that your time is fully occupied, and many letters are received to which you can give no reply, but I would like to add one testimony to the many you have received. One of my first cures after studying your Christian Science, was that of a young girl, who has a belief As Written: beleif of diseased eyes for eighteen years nearly from her birth. The lids were enlarged and greatly inflamed As Written: enflamed , she had four operations performed to reduce their size, but they grew worse instead of better – The tear tube was entirely closed to one eye – it opened at the fourth treatment, a film of six years growth covered one eye.
the other was very dim, She had no other thought than this, she should be blind. and it was to her a very sad one, at times she would become discouraged then would come the comforting “Word” to her, “and after many days it came to pass”, her faith was strong in God, and after waiting on the Lord she received her sight, X having had some thirty five treatments. She now feels that she had never seen how beautiful the world and all of God’s Creation and it is a pleasant sight to look into her beautiful blue eyes.
I do wish dear Madam it had been my privilege As Written: privellege to have listened to you when you were in Chicago but circumstances were such I had to forego that pleasure. I was at that time studying with Mr. Morrill, and he gave me all he could of your teachings regretting he could not give them verbatim
I would that I were prospered enough to come to you in Boston. I am striving to work strictly in Christian Science my mind often reverts to the one spring spent with you and your words of cheer and help. though you probably do not remember me I hope the time may come when we can again welcome you to Chicago Should you choose to use the above testimonialEditorial Note: This testimonial was included in the Letters section of the April 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal. for the Journal please do so cutting off all else –
Will you please answer in the columns As Written: colums of your Journal E. T. C. What portions of the Bible you call historical and what inspired? I would dearly love to hear from you. but can hardly expect in knowing your duties
Should you think this testimony worthy a place in your Journal do not add my name please.Editorial Note: When her testimony was published in the April 1885 Journal, it was published under the initials E.T. etc.