Your letterEditorial Note: See L05481. is received & many thanks for your kind expressions in relation to my letter. I shall be thankful if any word of mine can benefit the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. & you are at liberty to use any part of them you think fit for publication. I always think of you as having much to contend with & wish all students would unite in sending you good thoughts rather than messages which can only [?] Unclear or illegible in beliefs of mortal mind,
My husband & self are anxious to go to you for the course in Obstetrics, but owing to our financial condition cannot decide at present what we can do. Have been expending our money in buildings & will have to wait for rents to accumulateAs Written:acummulate– being so far away we cannot go to Boston & return without at least $300'Editorial Note: $300.00 in 1888 is the equivalent of $9,241.76 in 2022. for traveling expenses besides the tuition which according to the journal is $400'Editorial Note: $400.00 in 1888 is the equivalent of $12,322.35 in 2022. for both & we have always made a point of working together in anythingAs Written:any thing we undertake.
Can you give us any idea how long a time will intervene between this class & the next?
I do not want to find fault with anyone As Written: any-one but feel it a duty to tell you that a Miss Woodbury while here, in a public lecture said she had been sent here to look after the Students, & that she also said that there was no one working in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science which of course is not so, for there are many honest workers, who adhere strictly to S. & H.Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy as far as they have grown in the understanding of it. I was not here & did not hear it, but several ladies & two ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists have told me this & some are annoyed to think you should send her here, others question her veracity & look upon it as a means of organizing a class.
Yesterday I was looking at your picture in S & H. & remarked to my husband that I would like your bust in marble. he requested me to write and ask you if you will be willing to give us photos (a profile & a full-face As Written: full face ) with your permission to send them to Rome. for modeling. While there we had our own made & are very much pleased with the work, which is by an American girl Luella M. Varney of Cleveland whom we taught Christian ScienceAs Written:C.S. while she was home on a visit, and taking orders- She had then modeled three Catholic bishops, Senator PayneEditorial Note: Probably Henry B. Payne (1810-1896), who was one of the United States Senators from Ohio from 1885 to 1891. Julia Ward Howe, Susan B. Anthony, & my husband'sAs Written:husbands father, & returned to Rome with over $6000'Editorial Note: $6,000.00 in 1888 is the equivalent of $184,835.26 in 2022. worth of work in marble.
This is very material talk but I want you to be assured that you will not be caricatured by a poor piece of art. It will be life-sizeAs Written:life size, in best Carrara Marble & will cost $500'Editorial Note: $500.00 in 1888 is the equivalent of $15,402.94 in 2022..
Please give this question your attention as soon as you can conveniently & we hope for a decision in favor As Written: favour of your