San FrancscoEditorial Note: San Francisco, California
Jan. 10th/85.
I stretch my hand across the continent to you, & say God bless & prosper you in your noble work.
Please mail to me immediately “Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures,”Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. “Christian Healing,” “Science of Man,” and The People’s God—Also “Journal of Christian Science” commencing Nov./84.
I send this day P.O. Order for $5.00Editorial Note: $5.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $141.08 in 2018.) five dollars & the postage—17 ctsEditorial Note: $0.17 in 1884 is the equivalent of $4.43 in 2019.
I should have ordered sooner, but was informed I could procure them at Vallejo Cal. A friend sent an order to that place, more than a week ago, & has not receivedAs Written:rec'd them yet—I told him yesterday that I did not believe they had them & the delay was on account As Written: act. of sending to Boston—I was to have an interest in them, but I am tired waiting, & so send to you—Headquarters
The 2d Vol. of “Science & Health”Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. was loaned to me last evening. I need not tell you that I enjoyed it—it fascinated me--& read far into the night—I have read Evan’s works—Dr Arne’s and Mrs Roots and your book excels them all. I would rather be the Author of “Science & Health,”Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. than to wear the crown of any Potentate of the world.
Please send sample copy of the “Journal” to “Rev. L.D. Gowen Galva Ill.” Also to Mr. E. D. Hammond P.O. Box 839 New York City—
I see by your ad. in “Journal” that you give instruction in medicine in your college. Please explain For I thought all medicine was antagonistic to Metaphysics—I have taken a course of instruction from Mrs. Root—but her Trinity is the Orthodox Trinity—Three persons in One God.
I have been quite successful in treating-Cured myself of several chronic troubles or “beliefs” of long standing which had resisted everything else every other method—
Also cases of Rheumatism, Dyspepsia As Written: Dispepsia Deafness etc; I am now about to treat two persons at a distance—one for Alcoholism—
A lady called on me yesterday who said she had taken a course of instruction from a Mrs. Stewart who was a pupil of yours—but she had studied with Arnes & others & she therefore considered her superior to you—She, the lady who called here had been in Boston for four months had called on you etc. Told me many things which I don’t believe—She was very much disgusted when she arrived here & found quite a number of Metaphysicians—She expected to have the field to herself—What an amount of selfishness there is in the world--!
I have been interrupted several times so excuse disjointed sentences etc—
126 Kearney St.
San Francisco
California As Written: Cal.
I enclose 18. cts.Editorial Note: $0.18 in 1884 is equivalent to $4.69 in 2019. in stamps