Your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. receivedAs Written:recieved and read & reread with interest Miss Lynch the lady that I do recommendAs Written:reccommend (and rest assured I would not recommendAs Written:reccommend anyone that as far I knew would not honorAs Written:honere you, as Christian Science) is strictly moral and has as great an aversion to Spiritualism as I have I never could countenance it and now I have a still greater aversion to it. for the Spiritualist now are doing all they can to injure Christian Scientists
Miss Lynch is a very good Scientist now, having treated herself successfully of many beliefs, while reading the bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. She says it will be impossible for her to go to Boston before Nov. her business at present as a bookkeeper. she could not honorablyAs Written:honerably leave till then she says had I known Mrs Eddy would have given me the terms she has, two weeks ago she could have made satisfactory arrangements with the firm she is with
I feel as though she would be an acquisition to our little association.
Your advice helped me very much and my patients too and business too. I had last SundayAs Written:Sundy eve while visiting a patient a long conversation with a Homeopathic lady MD, she is heart & soul with us says it is just what she has been looking for and wanting to see done. having more faith in God than medicine she has send me 3 patients. and they are improving very much. which pleases her, her opinions are very much respected by both schools of practice I don’t think it will be long before you have her for a student. She is a fine lecturer and thoroughly good and many say to me Mrs Dr Bedell endorses your way of treating. and we feel as though there must be something in it,,
I am writing to a great length. if too long forgive me. hoping that some time when you have a leisure moment you will write me a encouraging words