When I stop and think how kind you have been to me in allowing me to come and join a classEditorial Note: Class at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College and to go through a course of instruction; and then to have you so kindly offer me the use of your rooms; and take such a personal interest in me, and all without any remuneration so far; it places me under such obligations to you that it has come to be a burden to my thoughts how I can repay you; and I want to say this so you may not be disappointed. that at present all I can do for you is to tell you have my utmost confidence; both as regards your high spiritual character and christlike spirit; for I never leave your presence without feeling a grander impulse to rise higher and know and understand more of God “whom to know aright is life eternal”John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. . If in anyway I can be of service to you I will most gladly serve you and hope if by no other way, I may be enabled to repay you by my devotion to the cause of “Christian Science”