Accession: 388.50.006
Editorial Title: Alzire A. Chevaillier to Mary Baker Eddy, May 3, 1889
Author: Alzire A. Chevaillier 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 3, 1889
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Alzire A. Chevaillier on unlined paper printed with a coat of arms, from Roxbury, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs Eddy

I wonder if you have forgotten me? I know you have not misjudged me- for I have never heard of an unkindly word said of me, altho I felt forced, thro the failure to understand some things taught, and from personal attacks upon the absent a day you were not there, to withdraw from the Assocn. What was told me, would follow in calumny of me, has not followed –

For three months or more, a desire to go & see you, which I have put down, as it would arise, (not from any reluctance to go, but I hardly know why) has been growing upon me - But I should not think of going to see you, & taking your time, unless knew it would be acceptable to you– I spoke of it to Mrs Meader (whose office is on same floor with mine – I being in Mrs Newman's office three day's a week) and she said "go by all means, & tell her frankly just what you say to me- as a perfectly frank child would do- I do feel that the world is indebted to you for the recrystallizingAs Written:rechrystallizing of this truth which you taught to these unripe for it, & who soon lost it into a practical Science- and that those who condemn you, are indebted to you indirectly at least, for their health & power to heal- Not that I do not believe that had you not been chosen to deliver the Truth, someoneAs Written:some one else would not have been – nor that you hold the patent– God is no respecter of personsActs 10:34 ¶Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: - But I do believe in justice – a vital portion of which is to render unto all their due- & not thro dissension & animosity & misunderstanding, refuse to crown you with the wreath your own hands have woven–

I do believe that the Spiritualizing of Christianity which the church has devitalized is the first & most important step for the redemption & regeneration of man– & the second is its corollary– the Brotherhood of man, so that no one can be happy while his brother has not equal opportunity & privilege as the child of God– To both these causes I have given my life– Of our method of effecting the latter, the enclosed circular will tell a little–

With sincere appreciation of your work, and regret that I was not ripe enough to take in all you taught when I was in your class, (which was no fault of mine, nor yours) I am

Sincerely. yoursAs Written:yrs
(Miss) A. A. Chevaillier
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs Eddy

I wonder if you have forgotten me? I know you have not misjudged me- for I have never heard of an unkindly word said of me, altho I felt forced, thro the failure to understand some things taught, and from personal attacks upon the absent a day you were not there, to withdraw from the Assocn. What was told me, would follow in calumny of me, has not followed –

For three months or more, a desire to go & see you, which I have put down, as it would arise, (not from any reluctance to go, but I hardly know why) has been growing upon me - But I should not think of going to see you, & taking your time, unless knew it would be acceptable to you– I spoke of it to Mrs Meader (whose office is on same floor with mine – I being in Mrs Newman's office three day's a week) and she said "go by all means, & tell her frankly just what you say to me- as a perfectly frank child would do- I do feel that the world is indebted to you for the rechrystallizingCorrected:recrystallizing of this truth which you taught to these unripe for it, & who soon lost it into a practical Science- and that those who condemn you, are indebted to you indirectly at least, for their health & power to heal- Not that I do not believe that had you not been chosen to deliver the Truth, some oneCorrected:someone else would not have been – nor that you hold the patent– God is no respecter of personsActs 10:34 ¶Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: - But I do believe in justice – a vital portion of which is to render unto all their due- & not thro dissension & animosity & misunderstanding, refuse to crown you with the wreath your own hands have woven–

I do believe that the Spiritualizing of Christianity which the church has devitalized is the first & most important step for the redemption & regeneration of man– & the second is its corollary– the Brotherhood of man, so that no one can be happy while his brother has not equal opportunity & privilege as the child of God– To both these causes I have given my life– Of our method of effecting the latter, the enclosed circular will tell a little–

With sincere appreciation of your work, and regret that I was not ripe enough to take in all you taught when I was in your class, (which was no fault of mine, nor yours) I am

Sincerely. yrsExpanded:yours
(Miss) A. A. Chevaillier
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Roxbury, Massachusetts