My heart aches almost to see how much there is to do here, and the field opened by one who has left out the Trinity in her teachings of mental healing & using Mrs- Root's bookEditorial Note: Healing Power of Mind by Julia Anderson Root- Even Ahren's book has penetrated here and has been read by some- How many of your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy I can sell when I can send for them- Expect a class will be formed soon & then we will collect the money from each & send for books- will you please send rates- My greatest desire is to heal every patient & I shall not only have more than I can do & thus be enabled to take another course, but I shall establish this scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science as it ought to be- & disprove these other methods. I study daily, that I may realize Life, Truth, & Love, & its idea- Shall get subscribers for Journal & distribute pamphlets, as I can-
I desire also that I may impart the spiritual understanding & discernment of Life, Truth & Love to my students.
Enclosed find $1Editorial Note: $1.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $28.83 in 2021. for Historical Sketches- Send Care A. G. Humphrey- Galesburg- IllinoisAs Written:Ill- Shall mother send my certificate to be renewed- or will you send out new ones-