Aaron G. Humphrey (1832-1914) was born in Lancaster County, Ohio, and
died in Kansas City, Missouri. He studied medicine and surgery at the New York
Hygio-Therapeutic College and worked as a physician, opening a health institution in
Galesburg, Illinois. Humphrey married Lovina Swartzendruner in 1858. An avid grower of
fruit and vegetables, he was a life member of the Illinois Horticultural Society. He was
a member of the Universalist church and affiliated with the Odd Fellows Society, as well
as the Masonic Lodge in Galesburg. He also served as alderman of the city. In 1886,
Isabella A. Beecher, a student of Mary Baker Eddy's, had a copy of
Historical Sketch of Metaphysical Healing sent to herself in care of
Humphrey. Based on the records available, we have found no further information
concerning Humphrey's involvement with Christian Science.
See more letters.