I would not intrude upon your time, but for a very important matter arising just at present, in connection with Belle- Within the past six weeks, she has made the acquaintance of a young man by the name of Charles Rusco; the acquaintance ripened into friendship and has become to them a serious fact already –
The young man is 23 yrs- old, has had considerable business experience - his education is quite inferior – He is of pleasing address – seems to possess a fine disposition - eminently social – fond of society – et ceteraAs Written:&c –
The two seemed to unite at once on some plane that I could hardly understand – as his intellectual attainments fall far short of Belle's – Circumstances which I will not take time to explain, have only served to hasten the developments, so that they are already so united in thought & sympathy as to make it seem cruel to me to interfere – My mother & older sister are very much against such haste, and feel sure the young man cannotAs Written:can not prove his moral character good – They think his ardent nature proves everything against him. Although I see how this may be true, yet I am unwilling to believe it without evidence – he appears so well, and has been so gentlemanly –
He is not established in business, but expects to be soon. He has not been able to get very much interested in Metaphysics yet, but Belle gave him some absent treatments for smoking – they were only a very few minutes, and after two short treatments, he came & asked if Belle had been "putting her mind on him." He stopped smoking at once, to please her – he said – not knowing she gave him treatments so it should not be hard to leave off- He has had considerable treatment – which brought on a chemicalEditorial Note: This is a reference to “chemicalization,” a term Mary Baker Eddy used to refer to a temporary stirring up of symptoms or process of “fermentation” as errors of various types are being destroyed. on chronic throat trouble – but – as Belle says – there has been no development of evil or sensuality – so she thinks that proves a good deal – If you can spare a few thoughts on this subject to a very loving and anxious mother you will be doing me a great kindness– Belle knows what I write and would also like your opinion on the matter- It seems to me you must know something sure to tell us — I have had some very comforting thoughts at different times throughAs Written:thro' the summer and fall, and it has seemed to me a great many times as though they came directly from you – Also, after I wrote Mrs- Crosse a letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant., somewhat anxious about Belle, I receivedAs Written:rec'd a mental message which seemed to me to come directly from her, "You will be wonderfully blessed." You cannot tell how much I enjoy these spiritual feasts – I only hope I am not deceiving myself – If you can give me any assurance that this affair of Belle's will be a true spiritual union – I shall be satisfied – no matter what anyoneAs Written:any one else says – As it looks to me now, coming in to take her thought and attention just as she was getting most interested in the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, I have feared it was a successful effort of Mesmerism to stop her from becoming more deeply engaged in her work- The last month has not been prosperous, and I fear the acquaintance will prove disastrous – It is a source of continual anxiety to me - until I can be assured by someoneAs Written:some one beyond the interested parties– Please answer this as soon as possible – and I shall be grateful for any help you can offer, as I surely am for your generosity in the past –
⇉ Handshift:Isabella A. BeecherI have never given better treatments than I have this month & I know I am advancing all the time I do not see how anything can really retard me for if it can then there is another power besides God. I should love to be with you.
I have been just as interested in the Science since I knew this young man as before, if not more so