Having, a few weeks ago, read your valuable work "Science and Health,"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy which was loaned to me, for a few days, by a friend who had borrowed it from a relative in a neighboring county, I have become deeply interested in the subject and desire to pursue the study. of it. I confess that the one rapid reading conferred more benefit upon me than all the study of commentaries. which has engaged my mind for years. Being hampered by no dogmatic creed, and having a private and personal right to a harmonious interpretation of the scriptures I acknowledge my thankfulness for the help I have received in the study of the Gospels and the Epistles and even the prophets in hurriedly examining your work. Having been an invalid for years as my wife also has been, notwithstanding we have both been under the treatment of the eminent Dr R. C. Flower of Boston, who has done us much good, and in wonderfully short time, I am led to believe from the past two weeks' As Written: weeks experience that the system you advocateEditorial Note: Christian Science is the real science of health. and I do not see why there should not be a philosophy in miracles. Yesterday in my own pulpit I set forth the true teaching of the Bible As Written: bible in regard to God and the Godhood remarking that I was extremely glad that the revisers of the New Testament had cut out of Heb I:3Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; the word "person" and substituted the right word "substance" The Bible As Written: bible can be understood only in the light of God as Eternal Principle. I am very anxious, knowing that God calls on me, to aid in bringing to light the grand principles underlying Christianity. Please tell me how to proceed. I am only 21 years of age, was born in Scotland, and educated in Calvinism from which at 20 yearsAs Written:yrs of age I broke off and accepted some of the doctrines of Arminianism. Now I began the diligent study of the scriptures and when over 21 yearsAs Written:yrs of age came out into the "Current Reformation" as giving me the highest ground and the most liberal use of the bible. We have no creed and while there are in the U. S. alone of us 600,000 or more when we can prove a thing from the scriptures it carries. But on the principle of truth, if I must stand alone, I will so stand, where God's word speaks to me, Truth is what I want. I stand high among my people as a man and a preacher, notwithstanding my youth.
Your grateful servant–