Accession: 349A.47.002
Editorial Title: James Henry Wiggin to Mary Baker Eddy, December 29, 1885
Author: James Henry Wiggin 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 29, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by James Henry Wiggin on unlined paper from Boston, Massachusetts.
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If the suggestion in this noteEditorial Note: See A11375. seems absurd— please treat it accordingly. If it is feasible, I may be helpful to you indirectly in yourAs Written:yr work.

At the Hall the other Sunday I heard a hush of regret that you were not the preacher, & the wish that you shouldAs Written:shd be oftener heard. This wish you of Course share. I think it is well not to preach yourself too often - Let yourAs Written:yr service on the platform be a godsend when it comes, How I know you are busy– not too busy to go to the hall on Sundays for an hour or two, but too busy to prepare, as you wish to, for that work & sermon, during the week. In my preaching days I often got hints for a sermon from some questions. It has therefore occurred to me that I might aid you, not with questions merely but with outlines — always the most bothersome part of sermon-making. For example, I enclose an outline whichAs Written:wch occurred to me in part while at the Hall., listening to Mr. Bailey — - if you wish it, You are welcome to it. Of course I couldAs Written:cd write it out in full, but that is not my idea, & I understand that you preach best from notes simply, without a full manuscript. Besides I couldAs Written:cd not fill in the Christian Science properly. That You can readily do — enlarging upon the illustrations et ceteraAs Written:&c. in yourAs Written:yr own way, only keeping intactAs Written:in tact the main divisions. If this will help you, I shall be very glad; but my own name should be kept entirely out of the matter.

YoursAs Written:Yrs respectfullyAs Written:respt
J. H. W.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
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If the suggestion in this noteEditorial Note: See A11375. seems absurd— please treat it accordingly. If it is feasible, I may be helpful to you indirectly in yrExpanded:your work.

At the Hall the other Sunday I heard a hush of regret that you were not the preacher, & the wish that you shdExpanded:should be oftener heard. This wish you of Course share. I think it is well not to preach yourself too often - Let yrExpanded:your service on the platform be a godsend when it comes, How I know you are busy– not too busy to go to the hall on Sundays for an hour or two, but too busy to prepare, as you wish to, for that work & sermon, during the week. In my preaching days I often got hints for a sermon from some questions. It has therefore occurred to me that I might aid you, not with questions merely but with outlines — always the most bothersome part of sermon-making. For example, I enclose an outline wchExpanded:which occurred to me in part while at the Hall., listening to Mr. Baileyin part - if you wish it, You are welcome to it. Of course I cdExpanded:could write it out in full, but that is not my idea, & I understand that you preach best from notes simply, without a full manuscript. Besides I cdExpanded:could not fill in the Christian Science properly. That You can readily do — enlarging upon the illustrations &c.Expanded:et cetera in yrExpanded:your own way, only keeping in tactCorrected:intact the main divisions. If this will help you, I shall be very glad; but my own name should be kept entirely out of the matter.

YrsExpanded:Yours resptExpanded:respectfully
J. H. W.
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