⇉ Handshift:Anna M. SteinmannIonia- MichiganAs Written:Mich
Jan 10 - 1886As Written:86
YoursEditorial Note: This letter is not extant.. Just receivedAs Written:rec'd.
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2 1/2 year ago I first studied with an excellent christian & highly educated lady, pupil of Mr: ShermanEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman or Roger Sherman of ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois. & a year ago last November attended a course of joint instruction by Mr: Hammond & Miss Ellen Brown, both I believe eminent pupils of yours. & in the 2 1/2 year have preached the glad tidings to the best of my ability. especially within the last year, devoting all my time to it, & God has blessed me, inasmuchAs Written:in as much as I have been able to show to many the way to liberty, & in His Name have set them free.
You cannot know of the many conflicts & obstacles I have been obliged to overcomeAs Written:over come, but I kept my goal before, me determined that nothing only Christian Science as first taught by you, should be my watchwordAs Written:watch word, therefore you can see why I am so earnestly desirous of entering your normal class, for I do not feel satisfied, I want to know more & more, & be able to feel free to give to others of this blessed knowledge. or at least point out the way.
As I told you I shall have to borrow every Dollar of my tuition, as I have family cares that have taken all I have. But as this is Christian Science, He in whose name we go forth will, I know take care that I may repay those, whom I may find to lend.
Ionia MichiganAs Written:Mich
care ofAs Written:c/o
Cooper & Putney.