Accession: 344.47.027
Editorial Title: Emma A. Thompson to Mary Baker Eddy, October 5, 1886
Author: Emma A. Thompson 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 5, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Emma A. Thompson on embossed lined paper from Minneapolis, Minnesota.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I arrived Home on morning train will write the first line which is my unboundedAs Written:un bounded duty to you my dearest and most esteemed and respected friend I left. to me that was the saddest part in leaving BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts that I must go so far from you. altho I expressed so little and that so poorly be assured much more was felt than seen. and night after night I could have been seen standing gazing on that Home which to me was the most sacred spot in Boston. that inspiration in all of your teachings brings all of those truths so clear to me that I cannot see how anyoneAs Written:any one by strictly following you can any way fail of success.

before I had eaten my breakfast the patients I left began to come and Mrs. Eddy I must say I am surprised myselfAs Written:my self when I learn from my housekeeperAs Written:house keeper that is was all one could do to answerAs Written:ans, questions to my whereaboutsAs Written:where a bouts and when I would return. even two hundred miles from here and the letters and postals even from St. PaulEditorial Note: Saint Paul, Minnesota. one letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. will enclose to you this lady a Mrs. Evans from IllinoisAs Written:Ill. as you'll see by her address. Came to me under very peculiar circumstances before seeing me she was told to try Mrs. Merrick but replied "I've heard of a Mrs. Thompson and have seen a lady she cured" and there is Something tells me to see her first and the day she came she was obliged to wait nearly three hours to see me will try to give some of her beliefs as near as I remember indigestion displacement of womb. constipation pilesEditorial Note: hemorrhoids of the most aggravating manner had an operation performed never a movement from bowels without some assistance for years I gave what treatments I could for was very busy As Written: buisy and when I left placed your bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy in her hands telling her to follow these divine truths and this letter I find waiting me on my return now Mrs. Eddy I write this to show you it is not to immortalize myself or seeking to be first in the class with you no always give me the humble place I took way back of all but my object is to show where my success comes from strictly following to the best of my ability your teaching and your thought never allowing it to be mixed with anyoneAs Written:any one else. I heardAs Written:head todayAs Written:to day Mrs. Root is in town teaching again also Mrs. Merrick is trying to teach I understand her patients are losing As Written: loosing confidence in her oh Mrs. Eddy I wish I could tell you some of her low underhand work she has been carrying on in my absence As Written: absensense calling on my patients. now if she is not afraid of my ability to heal why should she envy me so much there was not a person in this whole city but Mrs. Merrick would rather have been in your class then myself what do you think of that. I told you but little what I know of that terrible terrible woman I do know for six months she used my name to correspond with you before I found it out. all of her journals and lectures she got in that way. now she is at Hotel Albion I presume she may use someoneAs Written:some one else, but I must stop for I do dislike gossip and I fear you may think this letter full of gossip there are more I will report next time I must add one bit more I heard this eve. that Miss Plunket and Miss Hopkins conducted in a disgraceful manner at the Hotel while here the facts have not learned as yet but will give them in full soon as I find out the source from whence it came. I also found a few linesEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. awaiting me from Mr. Warddell which I'll also enclose I am going to write to him those resolutions I'll yet see in print when I plainly told there at close of class as I stood by him not to let money be in the way to look to me for more if wanted now see that meanness I was never more surprised when you read me that letter why I have heard him say he had read your book throughAs Written:thro' forty times and never got so clear understanding of the bible till throughAs Written:thro' your instructions and more than once did he say to me I'm at Mrs. Eddy's As Written: Eddys disposal I shall go just where she sees fit to place me I can't As Written: cant understand this I never for one moment supposed anythingAs Written:any thing like this to come from our class I sometimes wonder how you can trust one of us now I for one feel it has cast a shadow As Written: shaddow on the whole class. and I shall so express myselfAs Written:my self to Mr. Warddell and he has no right to thus address me after the whole class. had accepted those resolutions before presenting to you for acceptance.

but I must bring this to a close for I shall use too As Written: to much of your time which I well know is so limited in reading this. I could write pages and then could not tell the half I have to say I do sincerely thank you for this next best privilege As Written: privellege to seeing I am allowed to write you that to me will ever be a great source of comfort for I must say there had ever been so much envy and some things that to me did seem a little dishonest which you shall know sometimeAs Written:some time not far distant that I've felt rather lonely and often led to question why should such things be and now you kindly As Written: kidly offered to be to me my mother to whom can I go to but you with all for the Mother is the best friend and again I shall expect you to chide me and censure As Written: censer me as you see fit and any advice As Written: advise will be most cordially received now I have many faults, and I want you to watch me closely I must add one bit more to you for advice Dr. Sawyer and Mrs. French both want to come here and both want me to try to get them up a class I feel I must do just as you see fit, about this of course both would not be a success this fall for they want to come about the same time. so I must leave this to you for decision I do not know what I can do as yet having just got home. must learn more what Mrs. Root is doing for I must try and break this footholdAs Written:foot hold she is aiming to gain here I know I can do a little if I try. if I'm only As Written: oly a cipher please excuse so lengthy a letter. and believe me your sincere but most incompetent and Humble student my girls both join with me in love.

E. A. Thompson
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I arrived Home on morning train will write the first line which is my un boundedCorrected:unbounded duty to you my dearest and most esteemed and respected friend I left. to me that was the saddest part in leaving BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts that I must go so far from you. altho I expressed so little and that so poorly be assured much more was felt than seen. and night after night I could have been seen standing gazing on that Home which to me was the most sacred spot in Boston. that inspiration in all of your teachings brings all of those truths so clear to me that I cannot see how any oneCorrected:anyone by strictly following you can any way fail of success.

before I had eaten my breakfast the patients I left began to come and Mrs. Eddy I must say I am surprised my selfCorrected:myself when I learn from my house keeperCorrected:housekeeper that is was all one could do to ansExpanded:answer, questiongs to my where a boutsCorrected:whereabouts and when I would return. even two hundred miles from here and the letters and postals even from St. PaulEditorial Note: Saint Paul, Minnesota. one letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. will enclose to you this lady a Mrs. Evans from Ill.Expanded:Illinois as you'll see by her address. Came to me under very peculiar circumstances before hearing of seeing me she was told to try Mrs. Merrick but replied "I've heard of a Mrs. Thompson and have seen a lady she cured" and [?] Unclear or illegible  there is Something tells me to see her first and the day she came she was obliged to wait nearly three hours to see me will try to give some of her beliefs as near as I remember indigestion displacement of womb. constipation pilesEditorial Note: hemorrhoids of the most aggravating manner had an operation performed never an movement from bowels without some assistance for years I gave what treatments I could for was very buisy Corrected: busy and when I left placed your bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy in her hands telling her to follow these divine truths and this letter I find waiting me on my return now Mrs. Eddy I write this to show you it is not to immortalize myself or seeking to be first in the class with you no always give me the humble place I took way back of all but my object is to show where my success comes from strictly following to the best of my ability your teaching and your thought never allowing it to be mixed with any oneCorrected:anyone else. I headCorrected:heard to dayCorrected:today Mrs. Root is in town teaching again also Mrs. Merrick is trying to teach I understand her patients are loosing Corrected: losing confidence in her oh Mrs. Eddy I wish I could tell you some of her low underhand work she has been carrying on in my absensense Corrected: absence calling on my patienants. now if she is not afraid of my ability to heal why should she envy me so much there was not a person in this whole city but Mrs. Merrick would rather have met been in your class then myself what do you think of that. I told you but little what I know of that terrible terrible woman I do know for six months she used my name to correspond with you and before I found it out. all of her journals and lectures she got in that way. now she is at Hotel Albion I presume she may use some oneCorrected:someone else, but I must stop for I do dislike gossip and I fear you may think this letter full of gossip there are more I will report next time I must add one bit more I heard this eve. that Miss Plunket and Miss Hopkins conducted in a disgraceful manner at the Hotel while here the facts have not learned as yet but will give them in full soon as I find out the source from whence it came. I also found a few linesEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. awaiting me from Mr. Warddell which I'll also enclose I am going to write to him those resolutions I'll yet see in print when I plainly told there at close of class as I stood by him not to let money be in the way to look to me for more if wanted now see that meanness I was never more surprised when you read me that letter why I have heard him say he had read your book thro'Expanded:through forty times and never got so clear understanding of the bible till thro'Expanded:through your instructions and more than once did he say to me I'm at Mrs. Eddys Corrected: Eddy's disposal I shall go just where she sees fit to pl [?] Unclear or illegible ace me I cant Corrected: can't understand this I never for one moment supposed any thingCorrected:anything like this to come from our class I sometimes wonder how you can trust one of us now I for one feel it has cast a shaddow Corrected: shadow on the whole class. and I shall so express my selfCorrected:myself to Mr. Warddell and he has no right to thus address me after the whole class. had accepted those resolutions before presenting to you for acceptance.

but I must bring this to a close for I shall use to Corrected: too much of your time which I well know is so limited in reading this. I could write pages and then could not tell the half I have to say I do sincerely thank you for this next best privellege Corrected: privilege to seeing I am allowed to write you that to me will ever be a great source of comfort for I must say there had there hadAs Written:there had ever been so much envy and some things that to me did seem a little dishonest which you shall know some timeCorrected:sometime not far distant that I've felt rather lonely and often led to question why should such things be and now you kidly Corrected: kindly offered to be to me my mother to whom can I go to you but you with all for the Mother is the best friend and again I shall expect to you to chide me and censer Corrected: censure me as you see fit and any advise Corrected: advice will be most cordially received now I have many faults, and I want you to watch me closely I must add one bit more to you for advice Dr. Sawyer and Mrs. French both want to come here and both want me to try to get them up a class I feel I must do just as you see fit, about this of course both would not be a success this fall for they want to come about the same time. so I must leave this to you for decision I do not know what I can do as yet having just got home. must learn more what Mrs. Root is doing for I must try and break this foot holdCorrected:foothold she is aiming to gain here I know I can do a little if I try. if I'm oly Corrected: only a cipher please excuse so lengthy a letter. and believe me your sincere but most incompetent and Humble student my girls both join with me in love.

E. A. Thompson
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Saint Paul, Minnesota This letter is not extant. hemorrhoids Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy This letter is not extant. Boston, Massachusetts