Mrs Thompson presents her compliments to Mrs. Eddy this morning and begs to ask permission if it be requisite to give the date which I find to be the summer of 1862As Written:62 to that statement I so badly made before the Class yesterday it was so unexpected to me also I intended to have stated that Dr. Quimby requestedmeto come and see him in two weeks in PortlandEditorial Note: Portland, Maine I did so accompanied by Mother then and there I saw Mrs. Eddy (I can even tell you just where you stood while Dr. treated me) I feel this so necessary to be rightly understood for this is Mrs. Roots strongholdAs Written:strong hold in trying to steal the SCienceEditorial Note: Christian Science from you. She claims in all her talks in MinneapolisEditorial Note: Minneapolis, Minnesota that you as well as she learned of Dr. Quimby and I learned when I denied her statement on the ground that my father offered one thousand dolls.Editorial Note: $1,000.00 in 1862 is the equivalent of $30,168.53 in 2023. to him to teach him his mode of healing he replied I cannot I don't As Written: dont know myself and my Mother could witness that testimony they requested me to stop making such statements as that oh if I could only talk but my calling seems to be work and that I can do me obstacle As Written: obsticaele I can'tAs Written:cant surmount As Written: sumount that requires energy and determination
I beg pardon Mrs. Eddy for taking this liberty to address you. but never did I so fully understand how you are being so wronged through As Written: thr'o envy wholly as since I came to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts. I can't As Written: cant be still no longer I go to see the Rev. Stacy Fowler next week my Mother kept him from starving the two first years of his ministerial life.
I will return an answerAs Written:ans. to your request soon as it returns from Minneapolis have sent the letter or rather my ans to Mother for her to witness the statement made.