Accession: 343.47.011
Editorial Title: Mary Hinds Philbrick to Mary Baker Eddy, August 6, 1886
Author: Mary Hinds Philbrick 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: August 6, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Hinds Philbrick on lined paper from Fort Dodge, Iowa.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Teacher

Miss Elsie Lincoln (at whose home I am at this time) is in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts attending the Musical Convention - is very desirous to see you - If consistent with your pleasure & convenience will you give her the opportunity – It will give her pleasure As Written: pleasur to sing & play for you if you should desire – It is her sister- afflicted from birth with being in a helpless condition - but is through Christian Science receiving new life in her 26 years of lifeless limbs If you could only see how christian science has made her face shine - since the first day I saw her - The chemicaliztnEditorial Note: “Chemicalization” is a term Mary Baker Eddy used to refer to a temporary stirring up of symptoms or process of “fermentation” as errors of various types are being destroyed. has been very severe – she has never lost that look of Joy & Peace and Rest which she says she never has known before –

"Oh Mother I wish you could see inside of me and see how glad I am" is the way she sometimesAs Written:some times expresses her new life -& Joy - sight - hearing speech all were defective now nearly perfect – This is a demonstration I have never heard of being made though there may have been many – The enemies of scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science all say well if she can do that et ceteraAs Written:&c – But my dear [?] Unclear or illegible  - I am more glad that my name is written among those whose blessed privilege it is to understand these things Don't As Written: Dont think I meet with no persecution – but "these things do not move' me"Acts 20:24 But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. – I have been trying to get my letter from the First PresbyterianAs Written:Pres church in Austin IllinoisAs Written:Ills (my home) but have not yet succeeded They were going to consider it again last Monday – I am entitled to one for I have never been under any charge except, I have forsaken the church for christian science – so my Pastor told me – why he said this thing is permeating the church and will destroy it if it goes on I think he is about right – I answered As Written: answerd you in regard to the young student you wished me to receive – but have no tidings from her – I thought she would Telegraph when she started and I would meet her at station I ordered some christianAs Written:chrstin scienceAs Written:scin Journals & Histrial Sketchs fromAs Written:fm Mr Fry – he has sent none As Written: nun that I have receivedAs Written:recd

With great love
M H Philbrick CSB-

I have a class in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science here

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Teacher

Miss Elsie Lincoln (at whose home I am at this time) is in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts the attending the Musical Convention - is very desirous to see you - If consistent with your pleasure & convenience will you give her the opportunity – It will give her pleasur Corrected: pleasure to sing & play for you if you should desire – It is her sister- afflicted from birth with being in a helpless condition - but is through Christian Science receiving new life in her 26 yeasrs of lifeless limbs If you could only see how christian science has made her face shine - since the first day I saw her - The chem [?] Unclear or illegible icaliztnEditorial Note: “Chemicalization” is a term Mary Baker Eddy used to refer to a temporary stirring up of symptoms or process of “fermentation” as errors of various types are being destroyed. has been very severe – she has never lost that look of Joy & Peace and Rest which she says she never has known before –

"Oh Mother I wish you could see inside of me and see how glad I am" is the way she some timesCorrected:sometimes expresses her new life -& Joy - sight - hearing speech all were defective now nearly perfect – This is a demonstration I have never heard of being made though there may have been many – The enemies of scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science all say well if she can do that &cExpanded:et cetera – But my dear [?] Unclear or illegible  - I am more glad that my name is written among those whose blessed privilege it is to understand these things Dont Corrected: Don't think I meet with no persecution – but "these things do not moove' me"Acts 20:24 But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. – I have been trying to get my letter from the First PresExpanded:Presbyterian church in Austin IllsExpanded:Illinois (my home) but have not yet succeeded They were going to consider it again last Monday – I am entitled to one for I have never been under any charge except, I have forsaken the church for christian science – so my Pastor told me – why he said this thing is permeating the church and will destroy it if it goes on I think he is about right – I answerd Corrected: answered you in regard to the young student you wishesd me meAs Written:me to receive – but have no tidings from her – Is thought she would Telegraph when she started and I would meet her at station I ordered some chrstinCorrected:christian scinCorrected:science Journals & Histrial Sketchs fmCorrected:from Mr Fry – he has sent nun Corrected: none that I have recdExpanded:received

With great love
M H Philbrick CSB-

I have a class in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science here

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Boston, Massachusetts “Chemicalization” is a term Mary Baker Eddy used to refer to a temporary stirring up of symptoms or process of “fermentation” as errors of various types are being destroyed. Christian Science Christian Science