⇉ Handshift:George B. WickershamDenver Colo Sep 10 / 1886
I wrote to you some time ago to let me know the date the class commenced as soon as possible The reason I was anxious to know the date a few As Written: fiew weeks in advance is that there is to be an excursion leaving Denver for BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts on Sep 15th tickets are good to return on until Oct 2. I thought if it would be the right time for me to come it would be quite a reduction from the regular rate. you will please find enclosed draft on New York for $6250Editorial Note: $62.50 in 1886 is the equivalent of $2,025.95 in 2023. for the last order of books.
I am getting along nicely As Written: nicly Hoping to see you soon I am your obedient Student