⇉ Handshift:George B. WickershamDenver ColoradoAs Written:Colo
Nov 15th 1885
I feel As Written: feal that I must write you tonightAs Written:to night and tell you that I am located at this place came here As Written: her the first of September am the only one of your students that is here there is two of Dr ShermansEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman or Roger Sherman Students here and one of Mrs. Newmas Students oh you do not know As Written: no how much I appreciate the SciencEditorial Note: Christian Science and it seems As Written: seams as if my Shoulders are getting broader every day the battle againAs Written:a gin the opposition As Written: oposition I see plainer every day my dear Teacher what you have had to contend with and Oh how I would like to be able to come to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts to take anotherAs Written:a nothe course As Written: corse of instruction and perhaps will sometimeAs Written:some time in the near future I So much would like As Written: lik to See you I now [?] Unclear or illegible seeing As Written: seaing every day what you have had to contend with Since you started in this SciencEditorial Note: Christian Science I feel As Written: feal that I am geting out of the old man in to the newEph 4:22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; Eph 4:23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; Eph 4:24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. I am cutting error off As Written: of at every point and I am seeing As Written: seaing things so much different As Written: differt to what I ever have Oh how I wish I had known of the Grand ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science years agoAs Written:a go. I have Sold all the BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy that I brought with me from chicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois and now I wish you to send me ten sets As Written: set of Scienc and healthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and a one dozen of historical sketch of metaphisical healing and one DozenAs Written:Doz of Defense of christian scienc send Cash On DeliveryAs Written:C O d as soon as you Get this letter let me have them at as much of a reduction As Written: reductin as you can I am anxious As Written: ancious to do all I can to advance the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science and feel As Written: feall that I have did a good lot As Written: lol since I came to Denver I hope you will write me a good As Written: goo letter I feel As Written: feall that you may have some advice to give me and I am quite sure As Written: shure I am anxious As Written: ancious for anythingAs Written:any thing that will assist me in this truthEditorial Note: Christian Science I did not get my Journal for September nor Nov I wish you would have them Send them to me how much would it cost to have my card in the Journal one year let me hear from you soon