Accession: 321.44.035
Editorial Title: Bradford Sherman to Mary Baker Eddy, September 5, 1886
Author: Bradford Sherman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: September 5, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Bradford Sherman on lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Prof M.B.G. Eddy.
Boston. MassachusettsAs Written:Mass.
My dear Teacher

Your esteemed favorEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. of the 15th ult came duly, You request that in my next letter. I should say we have an Institute in ChicagoAs Written:C. Therefore I enclose a Circular to that effect.

Your humble ServantAs Written:Servt. has an honorable position there. I sought it not. feeling my unworthiness As Written: unworthyness to take any position in such an Institution. and if not your request I should certainly have declined the position, but as it is shall do my best for the cause of TruthEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science.. Daily we have to set People right as to who are Christian ScientistsAs Written:C.S. and what is Mental Science.As Written:M.S. The Spiritualists Free Lovers and Magnetizers, here are making great efforts to spread their As Written: theire views under the title of M.S. Prof Swarts and Katie, being the Principal As Written: Principle and foundation of it all. They have a Convention here the present month,

I hear that Dr Marston of Boston will attend. "Alas! how the mighty have fallen"II Sam 1:19 The beauty of Israel is slain upon thy high places: how are the mighty fallen! . Mrs Hale is here from whom As Written: whome I hear statements I do not like. Claiming to be your Student and was at your College sometimeAs Written:some time, I want to know if she is in good standing at the Mass. M. C. If I am not mistaken. she is or has been Identified with the Mental Scientists.As Written:M.S. here.

Mr & Mrs SpauldingEditorial Note: Melville C. Spaulding and Elvira W. Spaulding are well pleased that you take them in your Normal Class in Oct and I think they are worthy people. I am gratified at your recognition of my efforts as a Teacher and to know that some of my students are worthy of your notice. Mrs Sherman & Sister say send our Love to Mrs Eddy.

With best wishes for your happiness and the cause of Truth.

I am as ever
yours in Truth
B- Sherman
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeMrs Hale doubtful
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Prof M.B.G. Eddy.
Boston. Mass.Expanded:Massachusetts
My dear Teacher

Your esteemed favorEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. of the 15th ult came duly, You request that in my next letter. I should say we have an Institute in CExpanded:Chicago. Therefore I enclose a Circular to that effect.

Your humble Servt.Expanded:Servant has an honorable position there. I sought it not. feeling my unworthyness Corrected: unworthiness to take any position in such an Institution. and if not your request I should certainly have declined the position, but as it is shall do my best for the cause of TruthEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science.. Daily we have to set People right as to who are C.S.Expanded:Christian Scientists and what is M.S.Expanded:Mental Science. The Spiritualists Free Lovers and Magnaetizers, here are making great efforts to spread theire Corrected: their views under the title of M.S. Prof Swarts and Katie, being the Principle Corrected: Principal and foundation of it all. They have a Convention here the present month,

I hear that Dr Marston of Boston will attend. "Alas! how the mighty have fallen"II Sam 1:19 The beauty of Israel is slain upon thy high places: how are the mighty fallen! . Mrs Hale is here from whome Corrected: whom I hear statements I do not like. Claiming to be your Student and was at your College some timeCorrected:sometime, I want to know if she is in good standing at the Mass. M. C. If I am not mistaken. she is or has been Identified with the M.S.Expanded:Mental Scientists. here.

Mr & Mrs SpauldingEditorial Note: Melville C. Spaulding and Elvira W. Spaulding are well pleased that you take them in your Normal Class in Oct and I think they are worthy people. I am gratified at your recognition of my efforts as a Teacher and to know that some of my students are worthy of your notice. Mrs Sherman & Sister say send our Love to Mrs Eddy.

With best wishes for your happiness and the cause of Truth.

I am as ever
yours in Truth
B- Sherman
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeMrs Hale d [?] Unclear or illegible oubtful
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This letter is not extant. The cause of Christian Science. Melville C. Spaulding and Elvira W. Spaulding