Accession: 304.43.031
Editorial Title: Caroline D. Noyes to Mary Baker Eddy, August 28, 1886
Author: Caroline D. Noyes 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: August 28, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Caroline D. Noyes on unlined printed stationery of the Illinois Christian Science Institute, from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Teacher

I hope that I did not say anything in my last to wound your feelings- It occasionally happens that I get a little on the high Horse but it does not last me– We met last night and organized our new Institute – It was the first time I had met with them–

If Mr Day has a fault it is indecision but he wants to be exactly right- I think he is conscientious-

I have found that it is no road to success in Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. to work for oneselfAs Written:ones self but that we must work for others and have the good of others in our mind- And I think that this idea is beginning to come to me that instead of being afraid to do what might make me more of a target for the Mal-Mes- to fear rather to neglect to do that which is right for therein we oppose the only real Power– this comes to me faintly as it were-

I shall be willing and shall recommend As Written: reccommend to the other older Students As Written: Studends to turn in all my applicants for Study into the main Institute and share evenly with the new Students if they will all do that all of the Teachers will make a fair salary from their Teaching– and all work for the Institute. do you not think that will be the best way for us to do? except we go away into another place to Teach People who cannot come to the Institute–

Why I spoke as I did of being associated As Written: assciated with Miss B- in any Business enterprise is because that most every time I am brought in contact with her Evil is made so real to me that I am obliged As Written: obiged to work several days afterwards to destroy the impression and it has caused me lots of disturbance She has not you know an amiable disposition and her faults are magnified by the Enemy and at times makes it very uncomfortable– I had a little tiff with her a while ago when she wanted to change the hour from the afternoon to the forenoon She made the remark that whoever had rather go to some other Church could stay away– I told her there was just as good People as she and ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists who would be obliged to stay away on account of their Husbands going to Church in the forenoon with them and they could go then in the afternoon and gradually induce their Husbands to go– I told her she did not have any Husband and she c ould not judge– and I told her that she was not going to run that Church that is all the trouble that we have had and I am entirely over it- I do not know whether she has got over it or not- Mrs Adams has not been able to go since we changed- Our audience was increased the last two Sundays may beAs Written:may be we shall make it go as it is- our secret work may have had something to do with it-

The Swartz crowd are having a convention here this week I hear- but I see none of them- Mrs Plunkett has chartered a College here under the name of the Emma Hopkins Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. College they have changed their name from M. S.Editorial Note: Probably an abbreviation for “Mental Science.” to C. S. an imitation must be like the original or it has no chance of passing but the false cannot stand and I am not any concerned & whoever tries to build themselves on another's As Written: anothers downfall are working on a false basis-

I have been sick (in belief) with a very bad headache for the last three days and appearance of cold but I have worked right along and am feeling some better todayAs Written:to day although not quite myself– I do not fail to recognize what it is – it is very rare that I have any physical trouble (in belief)

With Love
Mrs Noyes-

Husband sends Love and is at present doing well–

I do not want to prejudice you against Miss B– for I do not think it is herself- for I think she is all right and a good Friend to ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science and yourself– and that the Mes- have tried very hard to break her up Roger Sherman thinks so too and we have nearly all helped her–

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Teacher

I hope that I did not say anything in my last to wound your feelings- It occasionally happens that I get a little on the high Horse but it does not last me– We met last night and formed our Ins organized our new Institute – It was the first time I had met with them–

I [?] Unclear or illegible f Mr Day has a fault it is indecision but he wants to be exactly right- I think he is conscientious-

I have found that it is no road to success in C. S.Expanded:Christian Science to work for ones selfCorrected:oneself but that we for must work for others and have the good of others in our mind- And I think that this idea is beginning to come to me that instead of being afraid to do what might make me more of a target for the Mal-Mes- to fear rather to neglect to do that which is right for therein we oppose the only real Power– this comes to me faintly as it were-

I shall be willing and shall reccommend Corrected: recommend to the other older Studends Corrected: Students to turn in all my applicants for Study into the general main Institute and share evenly with the new Students if they will all do that all of the Teachers will make a fair salary from their Teaching– and all work for the Institute. do you not think that will be the best way for us to do? except we go away into another place to Teach People who cannot come to the Institute–

Why I spoke as I did of being assciated Corrected: associated with Miss B- in any Business enterprise is because that most every time I am brought in contact with her Evil is made so real to me that I am obiged Corrected: obliged to work several days afterwards to destroy the impression and it has caused me lots of disturbance She has not you know an amiable disposition and her faults are magnified by the Enemy and at times makes it very uncomfortable– I had a little tiff with her a while ago when she [?] Unclear or illegible  wanted to change the hour from the afternoon to the forenoon She made the remark that whovever had rather go to some other Church could stay away– I told her there was just as good People as she and ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists who would be obliged to stay away on account of their Husbands going to Church in the fornenoon with them and they could go then in the afternoon and gradually induce their Husbands to go– I told her s [?] Unclear or illegible he did not have any Husband and she ch ould not judge– and I told her that she was not going to run that Church that is all the trouble that we have had and I am entirely over it- I do not know whether she has got over it or not- Mrs Adams has not been able to go since we changed- Our audience was increased the last two Sundays may beCorrected:may be we shall make it go as it is- our secret work may have had something to do with it-

The Swartz crowd are having a convention here this week I hear- but I see none of them- Mrs Plunkett has chartered a College here under the name of the Emma Hopkins C. S.Expanded:Christian Science Collagege they have changed their name from M. S.Editorial Note: Probably an abbreviation for “Mental Science.” to C. S. an imitation must be like the original or it has no chance of passing but the false cannot stand and I am not any concerned or & whoever tries to build themselves on anothers Corrected: another's downfall are working on a false basis-

I have been sick (in belief) with a very bad headache for the last three days and appearance of cold but I have worked right along and am feeling some better to dayCorrected:today although not quite myself– I do not fail to recognize what it is – it is very rare that I have any physical trouble (in belief)

With Love
Mrs Noyes-

Husband sends Love and is at present doing well–

I do not want to prejudice you against Miss B– for I do not think it is herself- for I think she is all right and a good Friend to ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science and yourself– and that the Mes- have tried very hard to break her [?] Unclear or illegible  up Roger Sherman thinks so too and we have nearly all helped her–

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Chicago, Illinois Christian Scientists Probably an abbreviation for “Mental Science.” Christian Science