I must write you the position of affairs at my House it seems so strange - You remember the Mrs Hall who boards there and who wrote you in regard to studying she has constantly been after me to Teach her I constantly evaded the question wanting her to go to you she said all of last week that if she could not go by Sat that it would be too As Written: to late and she had a lawsuitAs Written:Law Suit that she was afraid would keep her from going but I think she is insincere and never intended to go - I told her that I did not want to Teach her and her Daughter alone - But this last week a Lady came to me to study then I told Mrs Dunn who lives here and has been wanting to Study with me that I had a Student and would Teach her and made arrangements to that effect but made her promise me she would say nothing to Mrs Hall until it was too late for her to go to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts for I knew that she would study with me and not go if she knew it so on your account I lost the whole five of them five hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $500.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $13,333.92 in 2020. but I have no regrets I would do the same thing again but my feelings are cut to the quick, After I had made arrangement with Mrs Dunn Mrs Hall who did not know it went to old Dr Sherman and made arrangements with him to Teach her and her Daughter then Mrs Dunn and a Mrs Spalding a Friend and a Patient of mine went with them and I boarding right there in the House and they have seen that I have done good work. I healed Mrs Spalding - He has cut under on our price that we mutually agreed upon and I do not think he has done that I think he is honest but I can assure you that I do not understand it, they As Written: thy all seem to like me in the House but Miss Cole and she has never been friendly to me since I persuaded her to go to the College and she is of such an uneven disposition and I have had to coax her up so much since we have been Friends that I made up my mind to let her have it out - She is still intending to join your next Class I think –
It seems so strange that these People should all leave me when they seem to like me to go to an entire stranger. I could hardly think it was Mes as I have noticed that Mes- takes you on what you want and I do not particularly want Students - It may be that they are all sent to him because he does not Teach against Mal- Mes- as we other Normal Students do, for his Students cannotAs Written:can not always pass examination and we find them nearly altogether deficent on that - I am having a hard time with Mal- Mes- and it seems as though I never had to work harder than now but I work with good courage - I worked all day Sunday and nearly all of Friday night and all of the spare time that I get from other work and I know what the argument is it is this, that it is all mesmerism what I am doing and all - and that I may just as well make up my mind that it is so, I know that it is not that my treatments are the Truth but the question arises if they are the Truth why don’t As Written: dont they destroy the Error they oppose easier and with better effect, I have got one very sick Lady Patient boarding here in the House that I am having such a hard time with that it seems that I must turn her over to some other ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist in order to save her.-
Mrs Silsbee called on me this afternoon - I think she is here working for Mrs Newman as I heard that Mrs Newman wants to come here this Fall to Teach and Mrs Silsbee told me that she taught her more than you did so she is just the one to come for her in Chicago there is no one hardly known but you as a Teacher and those who you recommend it is the general idea that only Mrs Eddy's Students are good for we have all striven to that end, So Mrs Silsbee having first studied with you and then Mrs Newman and pronouncing her the best Teacher and Mrs Silsbee being some acquainted here - Mrs Newman couldn't have sent a better advocate
I am inclined to attach a little of the cause of my very hard time to fact of Mrs Newman’s As Written: Newmans coming out here and wanting some of us old Students to work for her - I know with any kind of reasonable showing I can do lots for the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. for when I do get the best of it you cannot imagine how the People flock to me which shows that my reputation is good as a Healer -
I do not like to trouble you my Dear Teacher but I think you ought to know where danger threatens we have been able thus far to keep them down in Chicago and I think we have done well thus far and I hope that we shall continue to be able to As Written: too - Thus far I do not think that any of them in the C.S.AEditorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. can begin to handle this question with Miss Brown Roger Sherman and I and we have all worked hard for the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. and if either of us should fall out it would be very hard for the others, but I hope that thing will never happen -