I was pleased beyond measure to get a letterEditorial Note: See L05414. from you. I understand that you have no time to spare - Mrs Newman has been out here and has got up a little interest and I hear is coming back in the Fall. to teach a class, Mrs Emerson is working for her. and I hear that Mrs Miranda Rice is coming here to teach a Class. her price is to be fifty dollarsEditorial Note: $50.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $1,324.61 in 2020., Mrs Rice has a Daughter living here. After your Students have established As Written: establised the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science how these outsiders flock in to take the advantage of it. But your Students stand so much ahead here that they have not much chance to succeed in teaching, or Practicing unless it is done falsely in your name. Mrs Eddy is the name here at this time. The members of the C.S.A.Editorial Note: The Christian Scientists Association in Chicago was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. are doing better than the rest and People notice it. I was doing finely up to the time I began to teach. I taught four Students I don’t know whether it was more than I was equal to As Written: too in connection with my Practice. or whether it was because I exposed the MalPractitioners so unmercifully. if it was the latter I am willing to stand it but it nearly ruined my Business, and it has not been good since, and if it was Teaching in connection with Practicing I do not want to teach any more, for I know I can be of more use healing and it is not as hard. I know that the time must surely come when Evil will disappear As Written: dissapear as easily before us as sickness. I have made an effort to rid myself of some of my faults since I came back from the class. Dress has bothered me some coming to the Surface when I am giving a treatment it has been a fault with me. I know there has been a more determined effort made on us since we were in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts. and I have had to fight like a Tiger unceasingly to accomplish anything. There has been an effort made to break up the Friendship between Roger Sherman, Miss Brown, and I. it was discovered where the strength of this association lay. (but the others are gaining right along) and they have tried that expedient to break us up. About two months ago a dozen of Miss Browns Patients came flocking to me. one after the other all within two weeks. They told me that they were entirely done with her. and if I did not take them they would go back to medicine I tried hard to send them back but they said they were not benefitedAs Written:benefitted and that her Temper was so unbearable that they could never go back. After much persuasion I took four or five of them. but as they continued to come. I refused to take them. and wrote her a note asking if she needed help. she replied that she did not. but I knew that she did. and I gave her a weeks treatment. I thought they had left her through Mes. but I did not think then that they had been sent to me by Mes. but when one of her Patients who had wanted to study with her came to me and insisted on studying with me. I began to think there was something in it. I told her that I could not teach her for Miss Brown would be offended with me. she said she was under no obligation to study with Miss Brown, and if I did not teach her she would go to Dr Sherman. Shortly after she came again, still more determined to study with me. and said that she had written Miss Brown that she had made other arrangements and was intending to come to me or Dr Sherman, I would not agree even then to take her. and I saw Miss Brown and told her about it, and asked her what I should do about it she seemed highly offended with me and told me to do as I pleased, and also added that it was very easy to see what had been at work there, it was highly insulting the way she answered me, and if I had not known what the cause of it was I could not have disregarded it as I did. I said if you think it is Mes. why dont you take it up. I have not agreed to take her. you have got time enough, she hardly answered me and her face was very red and she was angry, I put the woman off as long as I could but I finally did take her. I have give Miss Brown a good deal of treatment since then against Malice in all ways. but she knows nothing about it, and she is civil with me when we happen to meet, but she is not the same, I was down to see her last week and there was a great deal of constraint in her manner. but I would not have it known to anyone that they had succeeded in the slightest degree I have said nothing to no one and the members of the Association do not know there is any estrangement, Roger got over his as quick as I called his attention to it, but with Miss Brown it is different one cant tell her anything for she know so much already. My experience has been so varied that I can tell it pretty quick and I think it would be pretty hard work to set me against any of my Friends now. Miss Brown has said that they would try to break up the unity between us, and now the effort is made she is the only one that dont see it. Envy and jealousy, I am incapable of it was never my nature. Roger Sherman still stands ahead, it is wonderful what a good healer he is, he seldom fails, if ever. but he is a Rock you know any way. My Husband always had perfect Health, they kept him sick two months. The more I treated him the worse he was, until finally I got a little frightened but I went to work vigorously. I was determined to conquer it without asking any help. I did conquer it, and he is now all right I fell it was quite a victory. Do not let it trouble you what have written for I shall not allow myself to notice it, nor shall I allow it cause any discord in the Association if I can help it, I shall put my feelings in my pocket.