Please allow me to ask a favor, first I will state my difficulty, I received note from secretary of Association requesting my name As Written: mame on slip paper to be posted in book et ceteraAs Written:&C. the note mislaid so address lost, will you be kind enough to apologize for me & hand it to him, also send me October Journal– My husband took mine to New York & kindly left it there. I send Mrs Eddy paper with article on Christian Science Please let me know if she opposes– I sent her one a few weeks ago copied As Written: coppid from ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois paper. Some say, it is a curious paper to put religious articles. The paper devoted to house advertisementsAs Written:advertizements & the editor a Jew – but, said editor has taken a very great interest in my healing– & being healed. The being healed is the first that interested him.