Accession: 294.42.005
Editorial Title: Alfred Lang to Mary Baker Eddy, January 8, 1885
Author: Alfred Lang 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: January 8, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Alfred Lang on lined paper from Lawrence, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

At our last association meeting you spoke of introducing the subject of establishing branch associations in other places As Written: paces than Boston. Through the pressure of other business I suppose you failed to reach that question. I have of late been much exercised in that direction. The situation here in LEditorial Note: Lawrence, Massachusetts presents itself somewhat as follows..

A lady resident of our CityEditorial Note: Lawrence, Massachusetts and student of Mrs Fifield, has been teaching this scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science more or less during the last year, also one of your students Mrs Brown. The disqualifications of the latter are well known to yourself, the former is a woman of good character but quite unfit to teach this great truth from a lack of understanding the same. As I understand her position, she does not teach that all is mind, but carries the matter side of the question along with it. Realizing as I do that much of error as well as truth is being sown by the other school, it occurs to me the time has come for My daughter to step outside the limits of treating only, into that of teaching also. She has always till now shrunk from it, not only from lack of qualification but authority also. Now if it is made apparent to you that the former is displaced and the latter can be suitably conferred, it is my desire that it be accomplished. I am sure she has made a large growth in her understanding of truth and of her ability to impart the same to such as are fit to receive it, She has been a great student during the three years last past of both the work science and healthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. and the Bible, and appears to find no difficulty in talking by the hour when explaining this truth to her patients. She does much preaching as well as healing and it appears to me the former may be utilized under the lead of instruction in qualifying others to become members of our local association

If the foregoing meets your approval, my plan would be this, to have her meet you at the college at such time as you may appoint and pass before you a cursory examination. if you find her qualified you can authorize her to teach if you do not so find her, you will advise otherwise. Her work in healing has been largely gratuitous she works now from a love of doing good than that of money. no doubt her work in teaching will be prompted by the same motive. She has had marked success thus far in her professional work, much greater than you know of. We believe she has been a mark for the enemy more or less of the time since she first studied. her case being so well known of here. and a mesmerist from Boston having practiced among her acquaintance. we think we know the source from whence cometh the evil thought. but I forbearAs Written: forbare , and judge no manJohn 8:15 Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man. . The good side of this mind question is so much more pleasant to contemplate that we turn to it with joy and thanksgiving. though we would by no means shrink from meeting the mortal or vicious thought whenever it appears and ever to stand guard, lest it steal in upon us. –

Hoping to receive an early reply I remain very truly your Brother in Christ
Alfred Lang.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

At our last association meeting you spoke of introducing the subject of establishing branch associations in other paces Corrected: places than Boston. Through the pressure of other business I suppose you failed to reach that question. I have of late been much exercised in that direction. The situation here in LEditorial Note: Lawrence, Massachusetts presents itself somewhat as follows..

A lady resident of our CityEditorial Note: Lawrence, Massachusetts and student of Mrs Fifield, has been teaching this scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science more or less during the last year, also one of your students Mrs Brown. The disqualifications of the latter are well known to yourself, the former is a woman of good character but quite unfit to teach this great truth from a lack of understanding the same. As I understand her position, she does not teach that all is mind, but carries the matter side of the question along with it. Realizing as I do that much of error as well as truth is being sown by the other school, it occurs to me the time has come for My daughter to step outside the limits of treating only, into that of teaching also. She has always till now shrunk from it, not only from lack of qualification but authority also. Now if it is made apparent to you that the former is displaced and the latter can be suitably conferred, it is my desire that it be accomplished. I am sure she has made a large growth in her understanding of truth and of her ability to impart the same to such as are fit to receive it, She has been a great student during the three years last past of both the work science and healthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. and the Bible, and appears to find no difficulty in talking by the hour when explaining this truth to her patients. She does much preaching as well as healing and it appears to me the former may be utilized under the lead of instruction in qualifying others to become members of our local association

If the foregoing meets your approval, my plan would be this, to have her meet you at the college at such time as you may appoint and pass before you a cursory examination. if you find her qualified you can authorize her to teach if you do not so find her, you will advise otherwise. Her work in healing has been largely gratuitous she works now from a love of doing good than that of money. no doubt her work in teaching will be prompted by the same motive. She has had marked success thus far in her professional work, much greater than you know of. We believe she has been a mark for the enemy more or less of the time since she first studied. her case being so well known of here. and a mesmerist from Boston having practiced among her acquaintance. we think we know the source from whence cometh the evil thought. but I forbare Corrected: forbear, and judge no manJohn 8:15 Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man. . The good side of this mind question is so much more pleasant to contemplate that we turn to it with joy and thanksgiving. though we would by no means shrink from meeting the mortal or vicious thought whenever it appears and ever to stand guard, lest it steal in upon us. –

Hoping to receive an early reply I remain very truly your Brother in Christ
Alfred Lang.
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Lawrence, Massachusetts Lawrence, Massachusetts Lawrence, Massachusetts Christian Science Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.