Oct 29. 1886.
Thanks for your kind letterEditorial Note: See L08479. in reply to former of mineEditorial Note: See 273b.41.005. Circumstances pressed me forward in the matter of teaching beyond any secondary considerations
I saw the duty and have been led every step of the way as I have indeed from the beginning by a power outside of myself— It must be right I have ten students five of my own family and feel that I am preparing the way for greater freedom of action than I have had before- Have given four lessons, the most arduous work I ever undertook but O if these are won it will be a triumph over difficulties
I have not slept one moment I think in five days past but Am not one whit fatigued and I have much to attend to, beside my class.
I wish I could have stayed As Written: staid for the Normal class — that I possessed now the experience of that tuition but it must be best I think as it is and I will go forward trusting fully the guidance which I know is from and of the Spirit
This is arranged so as to cause no disturbed feelings I am sure- among my dear ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist friends