Aug. 23. 1886
I am hoping to gain admission to the next class for the collegiate course in Christian Science, having sent my application two weeks ago, as I suppose, through Miss Ellen Brown
I have however received no word in reply and the time is close at hand so I feel troubled lest my cherished plan be destined to go unfulfilled
I should have written earlier but had the impression that it would be better to have someoneAs Written:some one known to you and by whom I am well known to speak in my behalf
I supposed also that I should spare you the interruption of a personal letter
Circumstances render it important for me to know soon and definitely with regard to my prospects of entering a class whether it be next week or later –
I am not ignorant of what I have proposed to do in seeking to carry on the study of Christian Science
Near two years ago my husband was treated by Mrs Leavitt of Cambridgeport MassachusettsAs Written:Mass. and last October I took a course in the rudiments of the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science with Miss Ellen Brown I can truly say that it seems to me that I entered through that experience into new life for in the understanding of this truth "behold,' all things have become new."II Cor 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
I wish to take every step that is needful to advance my own understanding of the Truth and with the hope of doing more to enlighten others —
Hoping for your very kind consideration in granting me a speedy answer I am