Accession: 237AP2.38.029
Editorial Title: Silas J. Sawyer to Mary Baker Eddy, August 11, 1886
Author: Silas J. Sawyer 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: August 11, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Silas J. Sawyer on lined paper from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye that was dictated to him by Mary Baker Eddy.
Related Topic: 236.38.012Click link to view 236.38.012 document in new window, 236.38.014Digital document 236.38.014 not available
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Beloved Teacher:

Yours of the 8thEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. at hand. Surely if all will realize the importance of your injunction to "Watch and pray that we enter not into temptationMatt 26:41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Mark 14:38 Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak. in these searching times," the angels would sing the glad song of rejoicing

When our own environments are laden with satan's wiles, and I find the pressure so heavy, I begin to catch a glimpse of what you have contended with for these 20 years.

I can also discern a little of what I must do if I am to become Christ-minded: or Love and Truth.

I am conscious of a growing distaste for the things of sense, and a longing for higher spiritual views.

I do not boast when I declare my desire to drink of the cupMatt 20:22 But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? They say unto him, We are able. Mark 10:38 But Jesus said unto them, Ye know not what ye ask: can ye drink of the cup that I drink of? and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? that you in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, have presented to us, so long as you will direct me in avoiding mistakes. To be able to follow understandingly in His footsteps, is a blessed privilegeAs Written:priviledge.

I have been able to follow your teachings better of late, because our personal sense of you is far less prominent. I say to myself She stands where she does, because all personality is made subservient to the Divine Idea; then I too, may reach that standpoint by a like sacrifice of self. I only desire to know I am serving the cause; if in that knowledge self is sunk out of sight. I can truly say, I have obtained a degree of mastery over ambition, that if my name was never mentioned in connection with any achievement in Science, so long as I had the testimony of His smiling approval, I should not care. So it is in our labor under your directions; your approval is received as His; and my reward is the knowledge that I am in Science, in Truth, in Love.

Only yourself can conceive of the help your words. "Christ, Truth and Love are all I am, and only as much of these as I am, can I call myself anything," are to me, because my thoughts were trending in that line so much of late; that I often put the inquiry what do such thoughts mean, are they right?

In response to your thankfulness to our God for the feeble assistance I have rendered to the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., or you as its true representative, I desire to thank Him the same, and consider it a high privilege As Written: priviledge and honor to do even a little. In my interview with Mrs Bell, her sister came up, the subject of conversation, and in her remarks I detected the beast. Surely God must have opened my mouth, for I urged upon Mrs Bell the necessity of watching that her own desires, for, and opinions of her sister, did not become the door for malicious hate and sin. That God directed Mrs Eddy in her actions toward her sister, and whenever God decided as to her fitness, the direction would be pointed; and none would interpret it quicker than you.

Mrs Bell is staunch and faithful, but like many other faithful students their watchfulness of Mesmerism, in its malice is too frequently confined to their personal sense of appearances, or to the healing of the sick. They do not seem to think, it interferes with their demonstrations only through direct avenues. I find so many unmindful of its subtle forms; that in their forgetfulness to solicit for the Journal, for our Church, for Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, Etc their spiritual growth is hindered, and their demonstrations suffer likewise- Take AEditorial Note: Probably Jennie E. Sawyer for instance; because her demonstrations are better than formerly, she does not recognize the cause, that it is by our labors against, the Malicious, and for Science in all directions, she succeeds.

I became quite anxious about your article in the Aug Journal, but am greatly rejoiced it is in. I have sent for extra copies of it and shall also make the attempt to have it published in a paper here. I sent you a paper containing an article we wrote. Since then the same paper devotes an editorial of advice, concludes by saying we should "keep out of the newspapers". We shall obey by the "rule of opposites." I have put an ad's in the paper of "S & HEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy on sale, and a sample copy of the Journal will be given to any calling at the Wisconsin Metaphysical InstituteEditorial Note: The Wisconsin Metaphysical Institute was chartered in 1884 by Silas J. Sawyer. Sawyer and his wife, Jennie E. Sawyer, both students of Mary Baker Eddy, taught and practiced Christian Science at the Institute.." Yes, we will keep out of the Newspapers, just as Animal Magnetism don't As Written: dont want us to.

If the people of Milwaukee are not well posted upon the difference between Christian Science and Mind-cure, it will be no fault of ours. Saturday, I expect to meet Mrs Larminie, Bell and others in ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois and conclude arrangements about the Institute.

One thing I do not quite understand. Mrs Noyes. Ad's of Institute in Journal Her incompetency etc: but I shall consider it is there by your approval; so it is for the best.

Surely God was with me in our class today; so clearly could I handle the question of Animal Magnetism, and produced a decided effect. A, complains, very bitter that I have excluded her from. the class. She claims to believe in Animal Magnetism in reference to sickness; but declares against its having any influence upon her in her attitude As Written: atitude toward you. Then goes on to call me infatuated, mesmerized, that I am worshiping you, Charges that Science has broken up home, and alienated As Written: ailienated my affection, that I leave her alone; will not, go with her in any enjoyment etc etc. Now I confess that I am only content and happy working in Science. it is irksome to be called upon to give even a moment to the things of sense. and, am I wrong? I find myself wishing I were free; then I could give myself unreservedly to this cause.

I have given myself to it, yet I feel, and am fretted by the bondage of legal requirements. However I have said God will take care of that, I'll follow my MasterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ, come what will. These earth marriages look to me; a farce; yes almost blasphemous to say God joined them together.

I do thank Him for what Christian Science has revealed; and that is; Just in the proportion that I do His will, I am gaining liberty. and if A, will not strive for the same, we grow farther apart. "So mote it be"Editorial Note: This is a phrase used by Freemasons at the end of prayers. It is said to mean “so may it be,” “so it is required”, or “so must it be.”; I cannot turn back now; dare not; even if I wished, my prayer is that Christ may lead me; and I know he will, and does.

I have taken the liberty of sending you another photograph; which if you will substitute for the first one sent I shall be obliged: Destroy the first one if you please.

Will you please inform me whether you will take any vacation this month. as I notice you commence classes next month. Mrs Sargent has written that she expects to get settled in her new roomsEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy sent a letter to a number of her students, asking them to establish “Institutes.” Institutes were established in various cities at this time for the purpose of teaching Christian Science, and Sargent set out to Saint Paul, Minnesota, to do so. See 236.38.012 and 236.38.014. the 10th instantAs Written:ins't. She is at a loss how to commence or make herself known. and would be glad for any advice. I think now, that as soon as my class closes I might go up thereEditorial Note: Saint Paul, Minnesota and assist her a little in starting. I have written advising her to put a card in the Pioneer PressEditorial Note: The St. Paul Pioneer Press is a newspaper based in Saint Paul, Minnesota, that was founded in 1849.; distribute sample copies of Journal. Then I have an acquaintance there, who is favorable to Science; whom I have written. I am so desirous of consulting you more particularly in relation to our work here, that owing to the very low fare from Chicago to Boston ($10.–Editorial Note: $10.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $326.65 in 2023. the round trip) I am tempted to call upon you at the close of this class. If I do, I would remain in BostonAs Written:B– for a few days, and get acquainted with Mr Gill and familiarize myself with much pertaining to the good of our cause. If you were taking your vacation, I could come to you, unless, of course you get too far away.

Faithfully as ever
S. J. Sawyer.
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeDictatedAs Written:Dict I've- calledAs Written:call'd a meeting & we have voted you publisherAs Written:pub of C.S.J. it'sAs Written:its importantAs Written:imp. that you comeAs Written:com & familiarize your's with Mr Gill (EditorAs Written:Ed.) and the work but come to stay & not to go away again, be sure & stop any scandal. the enemy is trying that in BostonAs Written:B. and everywhereAs Written:every where they can what a strong rewardAs Written:rew'd for such a life as hers,
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Beloved Teacher:

Yours of the 8thEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. at hand. Surely if all will realize the importance of your injunction to "Watch and pray that we enter not into temptationMatt 26:41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Mark 14:38 Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak. in these searching times," the angels would sing the glad song of rejoicing

When our own environments are laden with satan's wiles, and I find the pressure so heavy, I begin to catch a glimpse of what you have contended with for these 20 years.

I can also discern a little of what I must do if I am to become Christ-minded: or Love and Truth.

I am conscious of a growing distaste for the things of sense, and a longing for higher spiritual views.

I do not boast when I declare my desire to drink of the cupMatt 20:22 But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? They say unto him, We are able. Mark 10:38 But Jesus said unto them, Ye know not what ye ask: can ye drink of the cup that I drink of? and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? that you in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, have presented to us, so long as you will direct me in avoiding mistakes. To be able to follow understandingly in His footsteps, is a blessed priviledgeCorrected:privilege.

I have been able to follow your teachings better of late, because our personal sense of you is far less prominent. I say to myself She stands where she does, because all personality is made subservient to the Divine Idea; then I too, may reach that standpoint by a like sacrifice of self. I only fdesire to know I am serving the cause; if in that knowledge self is sunk out of sight. I can truly say, I have obtained a degree of mastery over ambition, that if my name was never mentioned in connection with any achievement in Science, so long as I had the testimony of His smiling approval, I should not care. So it is in our labor under your directions; your approval is received as His; and my reward is the knowledge that I am in Science, in Truth, in Love.

Only yourself can conceive of the help your words. "Christ, Truth and Love are all I am, and only as much of these as I am, can I call myself anything," are to me, because my thoughts were trending in that line so much of late; that I often put the inquiry what do such thoughts mean, are they right?

In response to your thankfulness to our God for the feeble assistance I have rendered to the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., or you as its true representative, I desire to thank Him the same, and consider it a high priviledge Corrected: privilege and honor to do even a little. In my interview with Mrs Bell, her sister came up, the subject of conversation, and in her remarks I detected the beast. Surely God must have opened my mouth, for I urged upon Mrs Bell the necessity of watching that her own desires, for, and opinions of her sister, did not become the door for malicious hate and sin. That God directed Mrs Eddy in her actions toward her sister, and whenever God decided as to her fitness, the direction would be pointed; and none would interpret it quicker than you.

Mrs Bell is staunch and faithful, but like many other faithful students their watchfulness of Mesmerism, in its malice is too frequently confined to their personal sense of appearances, or to the healing of the sick. They do not seem to think, it interferes with their demonstrations only through direct avenues. I find so many unmindful of its subtle forms; that in their forgetfulness to solicit for the Journal, for our Church, for Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, Etc that their spiritual growth is hindered, and their demonstrations suffer likewise- Take AEditorial Note: Probably Jennie E. Sawyer for instance; because her demonstrations are better than formerly, she does not recognize the cause, that it is by our labors against, the Malicious, and for Science in all directions, she succeeds.

I became quite anxious about your article in the Aug Journal, but am greatly rejoiced it is in. I have sent for extra copies of it and shall also make the attempt to have it published in a paper here. I sent you a paper containing an article we wrote. Since then the same paper devotes an editorial of advice, concludes by saying we should "keep out of the newspapers". We shall obey by the "rule of opposites." I have put an ad's in the paper of "S & HEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy on sale, and a sample copy of the Journal will be given to any calling at the Wisconsin Metaphysical InstituteEditorial Note: The Wisconsin Metaphysical Institute was chartered in 1884 by Silas J. Sawyer. Sawyer and his wife, Jennie E. Sawyer, both students of Mary Baker Eddy, taught and practiced Christian Science at the Institute.." Yes, we will keep out of the Newspapers, just as Animal Magnetism dont Corrected: don't want us to.

If the people of Milwaukee are not well posted upon the difference between Christian Science and Mind-cure, it will be no fault of ours. Saturday, I expect to meet Mrs Larminie, Bell and others as in ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois and conclude arrangements about the Institute.

One thing I do not quite understand. Mrs Noyes. Ad's of Institute in Journal Her incompetency etc: but I shall consider it is there by your approval; so it is for the best.

Surely God was with me in our class today; so clearly could I handle the question of Animal Magnetism, and produced a decided effect. A, complains, very bitter that I have excluded her from. the class. She claims to believe in Animal Magnetism in reference to sickness; but declares against its having any influence upon her in her atitude Corrected: attitude toward you. Then goes on to call me infatuated, mesmerized, that I am worshiping you, Charges that Science has broken up home, and ailienated Corrected: alienated my affection, that I leave her alone; will not, go with her in any enjoyment etc etc. Now I confess that I am only content and happy working in Science. it is irksome to be called upon to give even a moment to the things of sense. and, am I wrong? I find myself wishing I were free; then I could give myself unreservedly to this cause.

I have given myself to it, yet I feel, and am fretted by the bondage of legal requirements. However I have said God will take care of that, I'll follow my MasterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ, come what will. These earth marriages look to me; a farce; yes almost blasphemous to say God joined them together.

I do thank Him for what Christian Science has revealed; and that is; Just in the proportion that I do His will, I am gaining liberty. and if A, will not strive for the same, we grow farther apart. "So mote it be"Editorial Note: This is a phrase used by Freemasons at the end of prayers. It is said to mean “so may it be,” “so it is required”, or “so must it be.”; I cannot turn back now; dare not; even if I wished, my prayer is that Christ may lead me; and I know he will, and does.

I have taken the liberty of sending you another photograph; which if you will substitute for the first one sent I shall be obliged: Destroy the first one if you please.

Will you please inform me whether you will take any vacation this month. as I notice you commence classes next month. Mrs Sargent has written that she expects to get settled in her new roomsEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy sent a letter to a number of her students, asking them to establish “Institutes.” Institutes were established in various cities at this time for the purpose of teaching Christian Science, and Sargent set out to Saint Paul, Minnesota, to do so. See 236.38.012 and 236.38.014. the 10th ins'tExpanded:instant. She is at a loss how to commence or make herself known. and would be glad for any advice. I think now, that as soon as my class closes I might go up thereEditorial Note: Saint Paul, Minnesota and assist her a little in starting. I have written advising her to put a card in the Pioneer PressEditorial Note: The St. Paul Pioneer Press is a newspaper based in Saint Paul, Minnesota, that was founded in 1849.; distribute sample copies of Journal. Then I have an acquaintance there, who is favorable to Science; whom I have written. I am so desirous of consulting you more particularly in relation to our work here, that owing to the very low fare from Chicago to Boston ($10.–Editorial Note: $10.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $326.65 in 2023. the round trip) I am tempted to call upon you at the close of this class. If I do, I would remain in B–Expanded:Boston for a few days, and get acquainted with Mr Gill and familiarize myself with much pertaining to the good of our cause. If you were taking your vacation, I could come to you, unless, of course you get too far away.

Faithfully as ever
S. J. Sawyer.
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeDictExpanded:Dictated I've- call'dExpanded:called ta meeting & we have voted you pubExpanded:publisher of C.S.J. itsCorrected:it's imp.Expanded:important that you comExpanded:come & familiarize your's with Mr Gill (Ed.Expanded:Editor) and the work but come to stay & not to go away again, be sure & stop any scandal. the enemy is trying that in B.Expanded:Boston and every whereCorrected:everywhere they can what a strong result rew'dExpanded:reward for such a life as hers,
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The following text is stamped. End of stamped text. This letter is not extant. Christian Science The cause of Christian Science. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Probably Jennie E. Sawyer Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy The Wisconsin Metaphysical Institute was chartered in 1884 by Silas J. Sawyer. Sawyer and his wife, Jennie E. Sawyer, both students of Mary Baker Eddy, taught and practiced Christian Science at the Institute. Chicago, Illinois Jesus Christ This is a phrase used by Freemasons at the end of prayers. It is said to mean “so may it be,” “so it is required”, or “so must it be.” Mary Baker Eddy sent a letter to a number of her students, asking them to establish “Institutes.” Institutes were established in various cities at this time for the purpose of teaching Christian Science, and Sargent set out to Saint Paul, Minnesota, to do so. See 236.38.012 and 236.38.014. Saint Paul, Minnesota The St. Paul Pioneer Press is a newspaper based in Saint Paul, Minnesota, that was founded in 1849. $10.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $326.65 in 2023.