S. J. SAWYER.[*]Editorial Note: End of stamped text. C.S.B. July 19/1886As Written:86
Will you kindly inform me how early you expect to teach another first class; also the next Normal Class. I have frequent inquiries about it.
A few days since a party stated that you were to have a class in August; Although I could not deny or affirm it, I should like to know.
There is one lady from Clinton Iowa called on me a few weeks since. (Mrs Reed) she was among the first students of Sherman's. She is very earnest and anxious to take instructions of you, and desired me to speak a good word for her, and soon as I knew that your next class began.
She is the divorced wife of Brick Pomeroy, but a most estimable lady so far as I can learn. I will make further inquiries before your class begins and be as sure as possible.
I am sorry our Chicago friends are not more prompt, for I do not yet hear from them. I have a certain kind and amount As Written: am't of work that we wish to accomplish here during the heated season, then I can be freer later on, hence I am a little impatient with delays As Written: delay's or procrastinating.
I am forced to confess that the Mind-cure people display an energy, that ought not to be lacking in many of our ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists; however, God will carry on his kingdom. in his own way, and we shall endeavor to do our duty.