Milwaukee WisconsinAs Written:Wis
Dec 20th / 84
I received yours of the 13th & 17 thEditorial Note: These letters are not extant. and this AM a letter from Mrs CrosseEditorial Note: This letter, from Sarah H. Crosse, is not extant.. and I can assure you they did me much good. particularly yours of the 13th.
I have not, from the time I pledged you my allegiance to the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., and your promise to stand by me, so long as I was faithful, worked for aught else.
Even, when in Chicago;Editorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy taught a class in Chicago, Illinois in May 1884. I knew false reports were carried to you, Mrs Crosse, and Bro Frye, about us, that we had stated so & so, or were doing this, and that, I knew you were surrounded by selfishness, eager only for its own gain. And after your return, that same malicious mind continued its work, apparently to you, had succeeded in estranging us from the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science..
We have been fully alive to the fact of Mrs Silsbee’s lies, because we have the proof of her commencement, from the time she started for Boston to enter your class, & continuing, on her expedition back from Boston to this CityEditorial Note: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, up to OcontoEditorial Note: Oconto, Wisconsin and return. But my Teacher Mrs. Silsbee is not alone in all this. We have proof of the false reports of others, professing great friendship, for you. We have known this for a long time. Now while I do acknowledge that there was a struggle on my part with these temptations to leave you; I did not yield, but worked for a purification of self, knowing it was only by freedom from sin, I could prove faithful to Christian Science. I was also confident of the day, when my motive would be revealed to you, and that through adherence to Truth, Christ.
I am yet, O so far, from being what I desire, but I can, and shall attain to that highest understanding of God, through working in “Christian Science”.
When I tell you, that to retain my hold, during all this, I have only done so by working against the “Mal’s,” and my practice, and teachings have been from that basis.
I have endeavored to be a faithful sentinel to Christian Science, here, and it there has been failures, it has not been from lack of fidelity to the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., either on my part, or that of our students.
We have felt for a long time that there was something wrong between you and ourselves, and was confident that God would yet reveal the traitor. At last it comes out, and you discover it in the form of Mrs S-. Now let me give you some additional proof, and I believe you will think it high time that her expulsion from the “C.S.A” be made public.
She – Mrs. S. – has written a letter to a party, (and I am trying to get the letter) in which she says: - “I have studied with Mrs Newman, who is a superior to Mrs Eddy; I have taken sixty pages of Notes of her; (Newman’s) teachings I have made the acquaintance of Arens, and Kennedy, and find them, gentlemen, who have been lied about by Mrs E – Etc Etc”.
I only give you a synopsis of the contents of the letter, and when I get it will send you a copy of it.
Since making that discovery of Mrs Silsbee, we have named her among the “Mal’s” and in certain cases, received the best of results.
Mrs Silsbee is now in Brooklyn, and I fear has got hold of one of my first students, a Mrs Hill, whom I hear has gone to New YorkAs Written:N- Y-. Mrs Hill, has always been weak; and now if Mrs Silsbee gets her she will not be able to resist.
Were I present with you, I should indulge in a smile, for several times you have asked me to get your works in West & Co’s, and as often I have replied that I have attended to it, that they have not been without them from the first. I can appreciate your forgetting, - so many things to attend to, makes it impossible to do all we wish to for any one particular object.
Mrs Sawyer writes in love –