Accession: 237AP1.38.045
Editorial Title: Silas J. Sawyer to Mary Baker Eddy, November 17, 1884
Author: Silas J. Sawyer 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 17, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Silas J. Sawyer from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Simultaneous with the Nov’ “Journal’s” arrival, yours As Written: your of the 6thEditorial Note: See V00849. was received, and I confess I was considerably agitated. I have studied the contents of the letter; and the “card” in the “Journal”, and now I believe I am able to write you understandingly. You certainly have a misconception of what I had, and have done regarding the school or “Institute”.

I had not by word, in private or public, or by notice of any kind, not even to my wife, said aught of starting an Institute; previous to my writing you. I mentioned it to no one but my wife; after I received your correction and acceptance of the Ad’s.

My Attorney, who had the procuring of the Articles of incorporation, only knew of it after I received your first letter of approval. that was Sept 23rd.

Now have I informed any, or put upon a scrap of paper, any allusion to an Institute or School, or College, under the Auspices, of, or auxiliary to the Massachusetts Metaphysical College. You alone are aware of all I have done. These who could have started such reports, as your “cards” in the “Journal” refers to, is a mystery to me.

Even after your approval, I would not put it in print; until after the “Ad’s” appeared in the “Journal”, because I wanted it all done in a Christian like manner.

I see now, that you took my first letter to mean, I had not only charted a school, but made it public;

Why my dear teacher; it was my faith in your judgement; and that you had confidence in my motives; that induced me to enter upon the understanding, and place it before you previously.

Far from seeking notoriety or publicity; Ever since Mrs Silsbee left here, I have worked quietly, proving to ourselves, whether we had the Spirit as well as the letterII Cor 3:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. ; of Christian Science.

We have taken patients into our home, and after demonstrating the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, have formed our class of such, but our demonstration was the first consideration. Just here I will say what I had not intended to allude to, (and only do so now, to show you, that our labors have been, and are, for the whole of Christian Science, as I interpret your teachings, and corroborated in the Scriptures.) From time to time, since you were in Chicago, we have had patients some students come, who had previously been under treatment of Mr Sherman’s, or Mrs Coursen and others also had taken instructions from them, (we have two of them in our home at the present.) There is also a Miss Wilbur, a student of Mrs Coursen here in Milwaukee practicing.

It develops; in the course of our teaching, and treatment, that we differ very much from them, and yet they claim that Mr Sherman and others practice as you taught them. of course I have not a word to offer against Mr Sherman’s or others; to our patients, but it reveals, them combining drugs, and materiality largely both in treating and teaching.

This has been, and is continuing to spread very much, and has lately entered Milwaukee in this Miss Wilbur, To instance – This Miss Wilbur was in your Chicago class, the last two lessons as Mrs Coursen’s friend, afterward studied with Mrs C – She; Miss W – says Mrs Coursen claims – Spiritualism is her religion”, and Metaphysics is her business, and that Mrs Eddy had no Christ, in her teachings, Again; that there is disease, Mrs Eddy to the contrary notwithstanding, Etc Etc. Again I have letters from Mrs Coursen, which corroborates many other equally fallacious teachings.

Incidentally I was loaned a pamphlet, an address by Mrs Newman: which contained according to my understanding of “Science”Editorial Note: Christian Science very many fallacious doctrines; one of them at beginning. – she says, “Man has a threefold nature, physical, Metaphysical, and Spiritual,” again – in her treatment; to reflect the idea of Spirit, she makes her own conceptions of a spiritual model, the likeness of Spirit.

My teacher; if I am not correct; in pronouncing such doctrines the “Satan transformed into an angel of light”II Cor 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. II Cor 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. II Cor 11:15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. , more subtle than all the beasts of the field,”Gen 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? please tell me what “demonology” is? and its work.

In one of my students, a Christian lady, I discovered the effects of reading Mrs Newman’s teachings; and we labored long to destroy it, and believe with success.

I have related this, to show you that we have much to contend with here, are trying to be vigilant: and that neither Mr Sherman’s, Mrs Coursen, Miss Wilbur, or any, but yourself, are aware that we do know it, because I wish to follow the example of our MasterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ, nor raise an objection to even the little good any may do.

This was one urgent reason for opening an Institution, not public; or as an Institute, but as the best method, to meet a demand, that involuntarily was expressed by many. also as a protection against future contingencies, which I can see are arising. A medical Institute incorporated under one State law, legally qualifies such Institute to issue a certificate or diploma to its Students, therefore none can interfere with the practice of Metaphysical healing in Wisconsin.

The medical profession here, are beginning to notice some of the students work, as well as our own, are considerably disturbed.

It did not follow, because we established a legalized institution; we must advertise it in the usual public way; such was far from our intention: The causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. is sacred to us, and we were, and are laboring, to arrive at that “more excellent way”, and not to build up a public institution.

I have tried to be watchfulAs Written:watchfull, and not come under the power of “demonology”, that the rule of sin, should in no disguise, enter into our demonstrations; in healing or teaching.

I could tell you many things, which would be evidence to you, of our laboring in the right direction. None can realize more than ourselves, how much we lack of coming up to what is our desire. I am far from being able to say like Paul – “For me to die is gain; to live is Christ”Phil 1:21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. . I should be happy indeed, if I had reached that standard. This I can say, nothing can separate me from “Christian Science”. as I now believe I apprehend though only a little.

Of course I had proceeded to far, to withdraw from procuring the Charter, when your notice in the “Journal” appeared, and your letter receivedAs Written:rec’d. but no publicity of it has been made or intended, farther than an intention of sending some circulars like yours; of Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy., “Press opinions” “and cures performed”, adding that these works, and further information obtained, by addressing the Wisconsin Metaphysical Institute. I have not even done that, I simply have the charter, that is all.

There had already, been tooAs Written:to much of the “spread-Eagle” style by Mrs Silsbee here, for me to court publicity, and we were having a struggle to obliterate the effect of her work, and I am thankfulAs Written:thankfull to state; we begin to see a little beam of Truth, doing its great work.

I trust, my dear teacher, you will see by this that I never intended, or accomplished harm to the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., and you will be the first informed of any unusual step we propose to take in this field of labor, before any possible harm can be inflicted.

I am not surprised, but regret to hear of Mrs Silsbee’s, and Mr Childs action, but hope the spell of the “destroyer” may soon be broken, and they return to “our Father'sAs Written:Fathers house”. as I know it is their only salvation from sin, sickness, and death.

Do not understand me, as having aught against Mrs Coursen, Mr Sherman’s or others, because I mention what I hear of them, for not in my heart, or by a whisper do I offer a criticism upon others. God knows, how difficult it is to keep myself in the straight and narrow way. I continue to hope, and pray that they will take up this rule of sin, and work for the whole of “Science”Editorial Note: Christian Science.

I shall be glad to hear from you again soon, and I thank you for your continued confidence.

With love I am your faithful student
S. J Sawyer
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Simultaneous with the Nov’ “Journal’s” arrival, your Corrected: yours of the 6thEditorial Note: See V00849. was received, and I confess I was considerably agitated. I have studied the contents of the letter; and the “card” in the “Journal”, and now I believe I am able to write you understandingly. You certainly have a misconception of what I had, and have done regarding the school or “Institute”.

I had not by word, in private or public, or by notice of any kind, not even to my wife, said aught of starting an Institute; previous to my writing you. I mentioned it to no one but my wife; after I received your correction and acceptance of the Ad’s.

My Attorney, who had the procuring of the Articles of incorporation, only knew of it after I received your first letter of approval. that was Sept 23rd.

Now have I informed any, or put upon a scrap of paper, any allusion to an Institute or School, or College, under the Auspices, of, or auxiliary to the Massachusetts Metaphysical College. You alone are aware of all I have done. These who could have started such reports, as your “cards” in the “Journal” refers to, is a mystery to me.

Even after your approval, I would not put it in print; until after the “Ad’s” appeared in the “Journal”, because I wanted it all done in a Christian like manner.

I see now, that you took my first letter to mean, I had not only charted a school, but made it public;

Why my dear teacher; it was my faith in your judgement; and that you had confidence in my motives; that induced me to enter upon the understanding, and place it before you previously.

Far from seeking notoriety or publicity; Ever since Mrs Silsbee left here, I have worked quietly, proving to ourselves, whether we had the Spirit as well as the letterII Cor 3:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. ; of Christian Science.

We have taken patients into our home, and after demonstrating the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, have formed our class of such, but our demonstration was the first consideration. Just here I will say what I had not intended to allude to, (and only do so now, to show you, that our labors have been, and are, for the whole of Christian Science, as I interpret your teachings, and corroborated in the Scriptures.) From time to toAs Written:to time, since you were in Chicago, we have had patients some students come, who had previously been under treatment of Mr Sherman’s, or Mrs Coursen and others also had taken instructions from them, (we have two of them in our home at the present.) There is also a Miss Wilbur, a student of Mrs Coursen here in Milwaukee practicing.

It develops; in the course of our teaching, and treatment, that we differ very much from them, and yet they claim that Mr Sherman and others practice as you taught them. of course I have not a word to offer against Mr Sherman’s or others; to our patients, but it reveals, them combining drugs, and materiality largely both in treating and teaching.

This has been, and is continuing to spread very much, and has lately entered Milwaukee in this Miss Wilbur, To instance – This Miss Wilbur was in your Chicago class, the last two lessons as Mrs Coursen’s friend, afterward studied with Mrs C – She; Miss W – says Mrs Coursen claims – Spiritualism is her religion”, and Metaphysics is her business, and that Mrs Eddy had no Christ, in her teachings, Again; that there is disease, Mrs Eddy to the contrary notwithstanding, Etc Etc. Again I have letters from Mrs Coursen, which corroborates many other equally fallacious teachings.

Incidentally I was loaned a pamphlet, an address by Mrs Newman: which contained according to my understanding of “Science”Editorial Note: Christian Science very many fallacious doctrines; one of them at beginning. – she says, “Man has a threefold nature, physical, Metaphysical, and Spiritual,” again – in her treatment; to reflect the idea of Spirit, she makes her own conceptions of a spiritual model, the likeness of Spirit.

My teacher; if I am not correct; in pronouncing such doctrines the “Satan transformed into an angel of light”II Cor 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. II Cor 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. II Cor 11:15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. , more subtle than all the beasts of the field,”Gen 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? please tell me what “demonology” is? and its work.

In one of my students, a Christian lady, I discovered the effects of reading Mrs Newman’s teachings; and we labored long to destroy it, and believe with success.

I have related this, to show you that we have much to contend with here, are trying to be vigilant: and that neither Mr Sherman’s, Mrs Coursen, Miss Wilbur, or any, but yourself, are aware that we do know it, because I wish to follow the example of our MasterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ, nor raise an objection to even the little good any may do.

This was one urgent reason for opening an Institution, not public; or as an Institute, but as the best method, to meet a demand, that involuntarily was expressed by many. also as a protection against future contingencies, which I can see are arising. A medical Institute incorporated under one State law, legally qualifies such Institute to issue a certificate or diploma to its Students, therefore none can interfere with the practice of Metaphysical healing in Wisconsin.

The medical profession here, are beginning to notice some of the students work, as well as our own, are considerably disturbed.

It did not follow, because we established a legalized institution; we must advertise it in the usual public way; such was far from our intention: The causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. is sacred to us, and we were, and are laboring, to arrive at that “more excellent way”, and not to build up a public institution.

I have tried to be watchfullCorrected:watchful, and not come under the power of “demonology”, that the rule of sin, should in no disguise, enter into our demonstrations; in healing or teaching.

I could tell you many things, which would be evidence to you, of our laboring in the right direction. None can realize more than ourselves, how much we lack of coming up to what is our desire. I am far from being able to say like Paul – “For me to die is gain; to live is Christ”Phil 1:21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. . I should be happy indeed, if I had reached that standard. This I can say, nothing can separate me from “Christian Science”. as I now believe I apprehend though only a little.

Of course I had proceeded to far, to withdraw from procuring the Charter, when your notice in the “Journal” appeared, and your letter rec’dExpanded:received. but no publicity of it has been made or intended, farther than an intention of sending some circulars like yours; of Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy., “Press opinions” “and cures performed”, adding that these works, and further information obtained, by addressing the Wisconsin Metaphysical Institute. I have not even done that, I simply have the charter, that is all.

There had already, been toCorrected:too much of the “spread-Eagle” style by Mrs Silsbee here, for me to court publicity, and we were having a struggle to obliterate the effect of her work, and I am thankfullCorrected:thankful to state; we begin to see a little beam of Truth, doing its great work.

I trust, my dear teacher, you will see by this that I never intended, or accomplished harm to the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., and you will be the first informed of any unusual step we propose to take in this field of labor, before any possible harm can be inflicted.

I am not surprised, but regret to hear of Mrs Silsbee’s, and Mr Childs action, but hope the spell of the “destroyer” may soon be broken, and they return to “our FathersCorrected:Father's house”. as I know it is their only salvation from sin, sickness, and death.

Do not understand me, as having aught against Mrs Coursen, Mr Sherman’s or others, because I mention what I hear of them, for not in my heart, or by a whisper do I offer a criticism upon others. God knows, how difficult it is to keep myself in the straight and narrow way. I continue to hope, and pray that they will take up this rule of sin, and work for the whole of “Science”Editorial Note: Christian Science.

I shall be glad to hear from you again soon, and I thank you for your continued confidence.

With love I am your faithful student
S. J Sawyer
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