Home again, and busy as a Bee in that beautiful realm of labor. Do you feel my efforts, for I regularly take up the “Mal’s” in behalf of ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science & our teacher.
I sent an order, by telegraph yesterday to Mr Frye for 24 set S&HEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. since my return I sent another As Written: annother half dozen As Written: doz set to Chicago, leaving only 4 set As Written: st on hand, and I am now making agents, so I shall soon have calls for more than I have on hand.
Will you please send me an order to settle the account at West & Co’s for the dozen set you sent them. I will attend to it for you, and thus save you the trouble and delays of writing. You allowed them 33 1/3 percent As Written: per cent did you not. At first I did not wish to have anything to do with selling the book, but since you talked with me, I see the great need of a traveling agentAs Written:ag’t, and a personal Effort. I shall now push the sale of the book by agents more than stores, always, of course have them in the stores also.
God is in this it is His, and nothing can stay his handDan 4:35 And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou? .
On my return; three parties waiting to come to me for instructions in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I have put them off a little, and shall very soon decide on the date. And now dear teacher although I have wanted the class here, yet I have said Love shall guide me, and asked God to reveal his will concerning the locations, Chicago or Milwaukee.
Within a few days certain parties in Chicago are giving out that “they are the only ones, in Chicago As Written: C – prepared to teach as Mrs Eddy teaches.” Do the “Mal’s” think we cannot detect their work in this; (on the ShermansEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman and Roger Sherman; for I think they are among the number who propose to teach). Does not God say have the class in Chicago, and head off any false teaching. it looks so to me now. I have taken this step, securing a room for a class, in a convenient location in Chicago As Written: C - and upon a reply from you, (by telegram), after your prayerful consideration if you telegraph, go to Chicago, I will then go down, secure rooms, and a boarding place for all of us. I have written certain ones, inquiring if it makes any difference which City they are in.
Shall I send a Call Circular to Mrs Coursen: my inclination is to drop her but she will undoubtedly come to see you as soon as she hears you are in Chicago. but I believe they must pass your guard first, to reach you, so we will wait.
I received an invitation from Mrs Emmerson today to pass the night at her home when I came to Chicago As Written: C –.
As soon as I get out the “Announcement Circulars”; which will be Tuesday next, I shall have heard from you then. I shall send them to the different parties, and on their reply’s shall appoint a day and place in Chicago As Written: Chic - to meet them and complete arrangements. and no “Mal’s” can stop us either, for “ one God is able to deliver us from the mouth’s of the beasts.II Tim 4:17 Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. ”
I had a little battle to fight with the “Mals” on my wife, on my return, but she is feeling different now. Do not mention any of our plan of our returning to Boston in your letters to me, that will all be directed right when you come to Milwaukee or Chicago As Written: C - or both. Mrs Sawyer is yet to be strengthened, and I know our Father will give us all we need in His wisdom.
Mrs Eddy – are you not ashamed of me. I left you without a work of remuneration, or thanks As Written: thank even, for your hospital entertainment. I do not know why I did, unless by reason of so many other matters in my mind. We will charge it to the “Mal’s”, shall we not, and be thankful As Written: thankfull we escaped with no worse injury than a discourtesy.