Accession: 216.36.008
Editorial Title: Joseph A. Adams to Mary Baker Eddy, December 29, 1886
Author: Joseph A. Adams 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 29, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Joseph A. Adams on lined printed stationery of the Chicago Christian Science Institute.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Your loving greeting of the 27th InstEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. is just to hand. I thank you much for it. Your prayer for the onward march of your Students is certainly being answered in my case, for the Truth of Christian Science is opening out to me with increasing light, beauty and power. I just love it more and more, and I think I can say as far as your Students in Chicago are concerned, They are doing well. Bro Day is expanding beautifully. His Sermons are first class. He no longer speaks in a doubting manner, but like the Apostle John he says, "That which we have seen and heard declare we to you &c"I John 1:1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;

Our Institute is doing quite as well as we could expect, Perhaps better. My work of teaching is a delight to me. The Holy Spirit enables me to make the Truth very plain. I am doing a little demonstrating, so that I may know the certainty of those things which I teach. I have a Bible Class of about 50 which meets on a Saturday afternoon and is much appreciated. A token of which, was given me by the class on Christmas Day. A little Box with enough gold in it to buy me what I much needed– A good suit of clothes.

I find Miss Brown just what you told me. A true, loyal ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist, exceeded As Written: exceded by none here that I know of, but with an Ego so large and a temper so near the surface, that the slopping As Written: sloping over sometimes puts my gentleness and patience to the utmost tension.

I have no doubt I have my faults and many of them, and I doubtless try her patience, but the manifestation of violent temper makes nobody any better, I don't As Written: dont say this by way of complaint, but rather, that in your prayer you may include our growth in all the graces of the Christian as well as Science. The intentions of Miss B– I believe are of the purest kind but her manner of executing them sometimes is galling in the extreme. This is between ourselves, please don't As Written: dont say anything to her about it. I think she sees the error and is trying to correct it, and I am trying by the sweetness of the Mind of Christ to be to her a brother and helper in every good word and work. Mrs AdamsEditorial Note: Julia A. D. Adams or Mary M. W. Adams is passing through a severe attack of poison, all who have tried to help her have had to suffer severely in belief. I infer she must be better as I have not heard for two or three days. I send this letter by the hand of Bro Bradley in order that you may get it. Some of my letters I fear have not reached you, so I take this Method.

With unfeigned Christian love
I remain, as ever–
Your devoted Student
Joseph Adams.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Your loving greeting of the 27th InstEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. is just to hand. I thank you much for it. Your prayer for the onward march of your Students is certainly being answered in my case, for the Truth of Christian Science is opening out to me with increasing light, beauty and power. I just love it more and more, and I think I can say as far as your Students in Chicago are concerned, They are doing well. Bro Day is expanding beautifully. His Sermons are first class. He no longer speaks in a doubting manner, but like the Apostle John he says, "That which we have seen and heard declare we to you &c"I John 1:1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;

Our Institute is doing quite as well as we could expect, Perhaps better. My work of teaching is a delight to me. The Holy Spirit enables me to make the Truth very plain. I am doing a little demonstrating, so that I may know the certainty of those things which I teach. I have a Bible Class of about 50 which meets on a Saturday afternoon and is much appreciated. A token of which, was given me by the class on Christmas Day. A little Box with enough gold in it to buy me what I much needed– A good suit of clothes.

I find Miss Brown just what you told me. A true, loyal ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist, exceded Corrected: exceeded by none here that I know of, but with an Ego so large and a temper so near the surface, that the sloping Corrected: slopping over sometimes puts my gentleness and patience to the utmost tension.

I have no doubt I have my faults and many of them, and I doubtless try her patience, but the manifestation of violent temper makes nobody any better, I dont Corrected: don't say this by way of complaint, but rather, that in your prayer you may include our growth in all the graces of the Christian as well as Science. The intentions of Miss B– I believe are of the purest kind but her manner of executing them sometimes is galling in the extreme. This is between ourselves, please dont Corrected: don't say anything to her about it. I think she sees the error and is trying to correct it, and I am trying by the sweetness of the Mind of Christ to be to her a brother and helper in every good word and work. Mrs AdamsEditorial Note: Julia A. D. Adams or Mary M. W. Adams is passing through a severe attack of poison, all who have tried to help her have had to suffer severely in belief. I infer she must be better as I have not heard for two or three days. I send this letter by the hand of Bro Bradley in order that you may get it. Some of my letters I fear have not reached you, so I take this Method.

With unfeigned Christian love
I remain, as ever–
Your devoted Student
Joseph Adams.
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This letter is not extant. Christian Scientist Julia A. D. Adams or Mary M. W. Adams