I was quite disappointed today that I could not see you. It seems a long while since I did see you. Well, you cannot prevent me from writing to you. I want to write to the one to whom my thought and heart go out with the greatest force.
What I wish now to say is that this evening we have organized a ChristianAs Written:Chrn. Scientist ChurchAs Written:Ch. Those who first made the move for a new congregation here are all become favorers of ChristianAs Written:Chrn Science, and the students who understand ChristianAs Written:Chrn. Science have for the most part become formally connected with this body; and the ChurchAs Written:Ch. has this evening passed a unanimous resolution, that "this Church is in full and hearty sympathy ChristianAs Written:Chrn. Science and in fellowship and affiliation with the Chrn Ch. (Scientist) in Boston". We have thus already a membership of some 50 to 60 members in this Scientist Church. Miss Susie Lang retains her membership there, but works with us, heartily.
I told them that my whole life is to be devoted to ChristianAs Written:Chrn. ScienceAs Written:Sci. and that I could only preach to them with that intent; and that as a Scientist body they must act and invite me if at all. So you see the Lord is in it all. I told them that only on the basis of ChristianAs Written:Chrn. Science I could come and preach to them once on Sunday till they could get a man to be with them all the time.
Besides this they say they will contribute for the building of the ChurchAs Written:Ch. in Boston. From this source I think I shall be able myself to pay over to that object twentyEditorial Note: $20.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $622.67 in 2022. or Thirty dollarsEditorial Note: $30.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $934.01 in 2022. per month out of what they give me; as I told them that was my object, so that my labors for them are a labor of love for the great CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science..
They have done little heretofore and have had no system. They will now do better, and ChristianAs Written:Chrn Science will raise its head in Lawrence as well as in Boston.
And now, most loved and honored Madam, I hope I shall have the help of your thought so that I may be aided and wisely guided in all things. Oh how I need a divine wisdom and energy in the work to which I am called. Oh for the patience and kind helps of ChristianAs Written:Chrn thought and suggestive words. Oh that we may have a holy united and zealous ChristianAs Written:Chrn Science movement which will rapidly bring down the strongholds of error. I feel very deeply and strongly a desire that you may find some comfort and hope in my labors in connection with your work. Please tell me anything you can for my good. I want to do my best and ripest work for ChristianAs Written:Chrn Science. I want nothing else but this. I want to be, so imbued with it that it may flow from me constantly in some degree of healing and illuminating power. All God's blessings on you.