Accession: 202A.33.012
Editorial Title: Joseph S. Eastaman to Calvin A. Frye, November 8, 1890
Author: Joseph S. Eastaman 
Recipient: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: November 8, 1890
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Joseph S. Eastaman on lined paper from Boston, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I have been sound and faithful in the work on Wig & since you Came I took up Wilson & son et ceteraAs Written:&c and there should be more speed in their work on the BookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, I have no doubt that our darling teacher knows what she is doing when she employs someoneAs Written:some one to work for her, but really as far as I am Concerned I would not have that Wiggins do that work if I was in her place, and I should certainly take it Away from her hand what he has left of it for in belief he is the worst man that I know of to work for Christian ScienceAs Written:C S, he speak As Written: speek Awfully of Mrs Eddy & calls her all manner of bad names in large As Written: larg Crowded circles he publicly Says that he is in all the ins & out with her and that she has told him time and again that the whole of these work & writing amounts to nothing more then to get all the money possible from those that takes to it and hundreds of Worse things than I can tell you

I got all this from Mrs Rexford, the Wife of Rev Dr Rexford of this City who is & has been often insulted by him because she is in favor (& with good reason) of Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. & she was so set too by him at her house at dinner one time as to oblige her to leave the table, rather then to listen to his damnable As Written: demnable blasphemy against our darling & all Concerned to Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. still as I said before As Written: befor she know best & what she does do will came out all right, for it is protected by a higher powers than we with our senses Can Conceive but she is so good that MaybeAs Written:May be she has no Idea of the badness of that or any Man

truly yours
J. S Eastaman
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I have been sound and faithful in the work on Wig & since you Came I took up Wilson & son &cExpanded:et cetera and there should be more speed in their work on the BookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, I have no doubt that our darling teacher knows what she is doing when she employs some oneCorrected:someone to work for her, but really as far as I am Concerned I would not have that Wiggins do that work if I was in her place, and I should certainly take it Away from her hand what he has left of it for in belief he is the worst man that I know of to work for C SExpanded:Christian Science, he speek Corrected: speak Awfully of Mrs Eddy & calls her all manner of bad names in larg Corrected: large Crowded circles he publicly Says that he is in all the ins & out with her and that she has told him time and again that the whole of these work & writing amounts to nothing more then to get all the money possible from those that takes to it and hundreds of Worse things than I can tell you

I got all this from Mrs Rexford, the Wife of Rev Dr Rexford of this City who is & has been often insulted by him because she is in favor (& with good reason) of C. S.Expanded:Christian Science & she was so set too by him at her house at dinner one time as to oblige her to leave the table, rather then to listen to his demnable Corrected: damnable blasphemy against our darling & all Concerned to C. S.Expanded:Christian Science still as I said befor Corrected: before she know best & what she does do will came out all right, for it is protected by a higher powers than we with our senses Can Consceive but she is so good that May beCorrected:Maybe she has no Idea of the badness of that or any Man

truly yours
J. S Eastaman
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Boston, Massachusetts Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy