Accession: 197.32.014
Editorial Title: Evelyn Glover Schell to Mary Baker Eddy, December 11, 1889
Author: Evelyn Glover Schell 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 11, 1889
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Evelyn Glover Schell on lined paper, embossed with the word, “Perfection,” from Lead City, Dakota Territory. Includes envelope.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Grandmother.

I thought would As Written: wold write you a few lines to let you know I am feeling happy but my health is not good, my head and lungs bother me considerable.

I am not able to go to school. I try to learn at home.

I pray to God to give me my health and strength back again and to take way that terrible belief.~

Dear Grandmother you must not worry about me for it makes me quite happy to be able to write to you these few lines.

Oh Dear I must tell you we have a darling baby boy he has eight teeth and can say lots of words real plain. he is fat and strong he is very handsome.

I only wish you could see him you would laugh to hear As Written: here him call papa to the top of his voice.

Mary and Gershom are going to school every day.

I am going to try and go this spring if I am strong enough.

Papa is gone down to the mine As Written: mind today As Written: to day to look after it.

So I was lonesome and I thought I would write you a few lines.

I will send you love for papa and Mother and darling baby and the rest of us.

We send you loving kisses for christmasAs Written:Christmass.

We'll I will close for As Written: fore this time.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas As Written: Cristmas and a happy New Year.

long As Written: lomg life for many As Written: may years to come.

From your little Granddaughter As Written: Grand daughter

Evelyn Tilton Glover.

God bless you.

God bless you foreverAs Written: fore-ever .

62 No state st
Concord New HampshireAs Written:N. H.
LEAD CITY Dakota TerritoryAs Written:DAK DEC
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Grandmother.

I thought wold Corrected: would write you a few lines to let you know I am feeling happy [?] Unclear or illegible but my health is not good, my head and lungs bother me considerable.

I am not able to go to school. I try to learn at home.

[?] Unclear or illegible I pray to God to Ggive me my health and strength back again and to take way that terrible belief.~

Dear Grandmother you must n [?] Unclear or illegible ot wo [?] Unclear or illegible rry about me for it makes me quite happy to be able to write to you these few lines.

Oh Dear I must tell you we have a darling baby boy he heAs Written:he has eight teeth and can say lots of words real plain. he is fat and strong he is very handsome.

I only wish you could see him you would lau [?] Unclear or illegible gh to here Corrected: hear him call papa to the top of his voice.

Mary and Gershom anre going to school [?] Unclear or illegible every day.

I am going to try and go this spring if I am strong enough.

Papa is gone [?] Unclear or illegible  down to the mind Corrected: mine to day Corrected: today to look after it.

So I was lonesome and I thought I would write you a few lines.

I will send you love for papa and Mother [?] Unclear or illegible and darling baby and the rest of us.

We send you loving kisses for ChristmassCorrected:christmas.

We'll I will close fore Corrected: for this time.

Wishing you a Merry Cristmas Corrected: Christmas and a happy New Year.

lomg Corrected: long life for may Corrected: many yeasrs to lcome.

From your litt [?] Unclear or illegible le Grand daughter Corrected: Granddaughter

Evelyn Tilton Glover.

God [?] Unclear or illegible  bless you.

God [?] Unclear or illegible  bless you fore-ever Corrected: forever.

62 No state st
Pres. of the Mass. Metaphysical College.
Concord N. H.Expanded:New Hampshire
LEAD CITY DAKExpanded:Dakota Territory DEC
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Lead City, Dakota Territory