May, 8th /1886As Written:86 –..
You will be glad to know that we are suffering persecution, because that is evidence that we have done our work faithfully. The work done here by ourselves and my students has made such a stir, that the Homeopathic As Written: Hoemoeopathic Physicians have organized a Committee of Investigation, and one of their number, delegated for that purpose, waited upon us yesterday P.M- In the absence of Miss Osgood, I had to meet him alone– I will first tell you of his character, He is a notorious libertine, an Infidel of the meanest sort– will stand on the street corner draw a crowd around him and then tell how he can prove to them from the Bible that God is a fool et ceteraAs Written:&c. His name is Dr. Brown. He informed me that he had been sent to inquire into our methodEditorial Note: Christian Science– He says I hear you do not use medicine, what is the curative principle of your work-? I said God– He replies. What is God? He is Spirit & I referred him to Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Spirit said he is Gas, according to that God is gas, then he went into a long dissertation As Written: desertation to prove that God was gas in motion. I think that will be all you will need to know of his talk as it was all much the same. There was nothing in his words or actions that I could take actual exceptions to, but there was the most aggravating undertow As Written: under-tow to everything As Written: every thing he said– He tried to make me angry, and thus throw me off my base, but for once I kept my temper, though I am a born pepper-box. He is a great Sophist and very subtle and utterly unscrupulous- He said he intended to publish the information he received- If he asked a question and I attempted to answer it, he would break right in, and when he rose to go he said he had been here just one hour. An old grey headed man came in just before the Dr. came, and was present during the whole interview, for which I am very gl ad- When the Dr. left I said, I want you to distinctly understand that this interview has been entirely unsatisfactory to me. You have reiterated at least half a doz. times, that you came here to learn, and you have not allowed me more than 10 minutes (has he, appealing to the old Man, no he certainly has not, he replied) and that at broken intervals, in which to explain a Science. You are leaving, without any true sense of Christian Science, When do you report to your CommitteeAs Written:Com.? No time set- After a little talk he arranged to come one week from that P.M- as he wished to see the head lady too as he called Miss Osgood- Oh! among other things he said all he asked was proof, and he had an ailment that no one knew anything As Written: any thing about, that he wished to have treated, and he should insist upon paying like any other patient– I happened to know, (and so does everybodyAs Written:every body,) what his ailment is. He is totally blind in one eye- The sight was lost in an instant, he did not intend it should be known, but it leaked out & people say it is the result of his bad life- He looked at S & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and bought a "Defense" He said he should write you, and asked if I thought you would take any notice of his letter– I told him that all courteous communications receivedAs Written:recd,, prompt attention. I hope if he writes that you will think best to reply– for I know if you do, that he will be a wiser if not a better man- He picked up your Photo. from the table, and his countenance changed, and there seemed a little less bombast, after he saw it– He evidently had thought the whole lot of C. S'sEditorial Note: Christian Scientists were f lats- He has made his brags that he would annihilate us- He was heard to say in a "Street-car"- when asked if he had met the Scientists, that he had not, but would like to, and would make a hotbox As Written: hot box for them.
The old grey headed gentleman, arose to go at the same time, but lingered a moment to ask if I would pledge myself to join him in praying for Dr. Brown's conversion and I told him I would not. I felt impressed As Written: imprssed to speak with him, and asked him to remain- He is 80 yrs. old- and has a frank, honest face- is an Elder in the Presbyterian Church- and very well known in the c ity, He told me he went to Dr. Brown's Office for some medicineAs Written:med. for a heart trouble- While there Dr. B- told him of his intended call upon us, and invited him to be present, and see what short work he would make of us- The old man said he had heard of our work and thought we must be christian women, and he felt sorry for us for he knew the Dr. was a bad man- and finally felt impelled to come, to protect us if need be. He is pleased to say that the Dr. went away discomforted. Miss Osgood & I have decided to hold no further parley with Dr. Brown- but we do not want the M. Ds. to , think we are afraid of investigation. hence I have drafted the enclosed letter to the Com. which I hope you will feel to criticize As Written: criticise , as it is very important that this crisis be met just right- C.S. has got a good start here, & I am determined it shall prosper– and shall spare no pains to that end.
If I send a letter to the Com- to whom should it be addressed, the Chairman or Secretary?
How much I would give to see you this Morning. Please reply at once as he is to call Friday P.M and if anything As Written: any thing is done, it must be done before then I suppose–
Since writing the above, one of my students, Mrs. Ashton, widow of a Baptist Minister, says last night one of the M. Ds. walked past their house and inquired of her daughter, who was at the door, where Mrs. Ashton lived– did not call or make further inquiry– She thinks they are spotting the Scientists– They will have quite a little spotting to do, as I have nineteen students here–
Some of the physicians of both schools have been very courteous to us- and have spoken very kindly of us –