Accession: 194.32.009
Editorial Title: Ellen E. Cross to Mary Baker Eddy, April 12, 1886
Author: Ellen E. Cross 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 12, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Ellen E. Cross on embossed lined paper from Owego, New York.
Related Topic: V00935Click link to view V00935 document in new window, 194.32.007Click link to view 194.32.007 document in new window
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher:

I am in receipt of Mr. Frye's letterEditorial Note: See V00935.- and can see my error in the matter of the young ladyEditorial Note: Nellie B. Cafferty or May B. Samples writing with the Church-

Thanks for the correction- I am desirous of learning all I can, and that as speedily as possible- Of course one cannotAs Written:can not forsake an error, until they see it is an error-

My third Class began today and consists of six members- I am stopping at a large nice farmhouseAs Written:farm house a friend's, where I have Class-

I have another Class forming at BinghamtonEditorial Note: Binghamton, New York.

The people of this vicinity are thoroughly waked up on the subject of Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S., and are so hungry for it– We have sold 4 dozenAs Written:doz. booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy since the revised Ed. came out- The last copy was sold to one of "Mrs. Stuarts" students. She interviewed us on Sat. Hadn'tAs Written:Had'nt heard that "Science & Health" had been revised- (she studied this Winter) hadn'tAs Written:had'nt heard of the "C. S. Journal" until the other day- She also subscribed for that- Miss Osgood receivedAs Written:recd her, and said that she seemed like a very nice and honest woman- She thinks she studied with Mrs. Stuart without knowing there was a difference- as Mrs. S- said she studied with you-

With love-
E. E. Cross.

My address for two weeks will be Owego Tioga Co. New YorkAs Written:N. Y. care ofAs Written:c/c H. H. Seymour.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher:

I am in receipt of Mr. Frye's letterEditorial Note: See V00935.- and cenan see my error in the matter of the young ladyEditorial Note: Nellie B. Cafferty or May B. Samples writing with the Church-

Thanks for the correction- I am desirous of learning all I can, and that as speedily as possible- Of course one can notCorrected:cannot forsake an error, until they see it is an error-

My third Class began today and consists of six members- I am stopping at a large nice farm houseCorrected:farmhouse a friend's, where I have Class-

I have another Class forming at BinghamtonEditorial Note: Binghamton, New York.

The people of this vicinity are thoroughly waked up on the subject of C. S.Expanded:Christian Science, and are so hungry for it– We have sold 4 doz.Expanded:dozen booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy since the revised Ed. came out- The last copy was sold to one of "Mrs. Stuarts" students. She interviewed us on Sat. Had'ntCorrected:Hadn't heard that "Science & Health" had been revised- (she studied this Winter) had'ntCorrected:hadn't heard of the "C. S. Journal" until the other day- She also subscribed for that- Miss Osgood recdExpanded:received her, and said that she seemed like a very nice and honest woman- She thinks she studied with Mrs. Stuart without knowing there was a difference- as Mrs. S- said she studied with you-

With love-
E. E. Cross.

My address for two weeks will be Owego Tioga Co. N. Y.Expanded:New York c/cExpanded:care of H. H. Seymour.

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See V00935. Nellie B. Cafferty or May B. Samples Binghamton, New York Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy