Accession: 168.29.061
Editorial Title: Ella W. Goodwin to Albert E. Miller, November 3, 1908
Author: Ella W. Goodwin 
Recipient: Albert E. Miller 
Date: November 3, 1908
Manuscript Description: Typewritten by Ella W. Goodwin on unlined printed stationery of The Temple University from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mr. Albert E. Miller,
403 N. 33rd Street.
Dear Sir:

I am requested by Dr. Conwell to thank you for your kindness in sending him ''The Life of Mary Baker Eddy.''Editorial Note: The Life of Mary Baker Eddy by Sibyl Wilbur. He says that he has read the book through and considers it a faithful and accurate history of Mrs. Eddy, and that it presents her character truthfully, as he knew it. He says he would be grateful if you would send him the address of Miss Wilbur.

Very truly yours,
Ella W. Goodwin
Private Secretary.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mr. Albert E. Miller,
403 N. 33rd Street.
Dear Sir:

I am requested by Dr. Conwell to thank you for your kindness in sending him ''The Life of Mary Baker Eddy.''Editorial Note: The Life of Mary Baker Eddy by Sibyl Wilbur. He says that he has read the book trhrough and considers it a faithful and accurate history of Mrs. Eddy, and that it presents her character truthfully, as he knew it. He says he would be grateful if you would send him the address of Miss Wilbur.

Very truly yours,
Ella W. Goodwin
Private Secretary.
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania The Life of Mary Baker Eddy by Sibyl Wilbur.