Yours of 25th instEditorial Note: See 045A.15.041. came to me here. In reply can only say that I have Bro BangsEditorial Note: Probably Herbert H. Bangs. a sketch of what I had planned for program but as I have not yet the material to fill it up- it is impossible to present it for the consideration of the members of the CommitteeAs Written:Com in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts for their inspection and ratification or rejection-
I have learned from many years service in the Womans Christian Temperance Union service, that a program well defined will be the life and profit As Written: proffit of that Convention- If the Boston Students prepare four papers- or 20 min addresses it will be a larger gain. ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois will have two or three. I have heard nothing from New YorkAs Written:Newyork City-
I will do all I can for construction of a program. if I fail to secure the matter & fill it I shall feel that I have done all my work- I shall be here till June- I have 25 patients daily - and shall give a reasonable time for a response from those I have written to- and if they fail- I will drop the scheme-
I have no idea of doing anythingAs Written:any thing alone but as Chairman I was the one to act- and my experience led me to do this way–
Shall be glad of any suggestions- I cannot give much time and do my own work–