Your letter of instruction concerning an Institute of C. S. or rather As Written: rathr two, in this city duly receivedAs Written:rec'd.
There is such an one needed, and the time and place are ripe for such a movement, but they must be as you say "Forts," strongly garrisoned." The persons connected with them Strong in the faith & understanding of Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S,– fearless in exposing the work of mental mal-practice, and demonstrating to the world by their works what the understanding of Life Truth & Love does for man, self, and love of money and ease, forever laid upon the altarAs Written:alter, in the interest of the truth of C. S., or "Christ science." Such Institutions will redeem our causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., and nothing short of this will. May God raise up faithful workers As Written: workes for this purpose.
I think I wrote you about two ladies who wish to join your first class in Sept. One of them Mrs. Ruth or rather, Mrs. W G. Ewing is the wife of the United States District Attorney for Illinois. Just such a woman as you want, one who is able to talk, write, and will make a fine healer too. The other is Miss. Willsi a lovely character, and both are people of social position: Will write you their addresses
Mrs. W. G. Ewing.
3743. Ellis ave. Chicago
Evanston, IllinoisAs Written:Ill. Care C. B. Congdon.
I want to go East this Fall if possible. Excuse haste and believe me