The certificates came safely yesterday. I think the change a wise one.
I am sorry to tell you that C. F. Morrill will have to go out of the C. S. A.Editorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago was a branch of the C.S.A. in Boston, Massachusetts. He has never As Written: nevr been anythingAs Written:any thing but a disgrace to the CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., and in his own town, and among the people who know him best he is least thought of. His lastest As Written: lastst offence is this. About two weeks ago one of his children was taken seriously sick in belief. he sent for a homeopathic physician to attend it, last week he himself was taken sick, and sent for two allopathic physicians. I knew nothing of all this till it was done, I would gladly have gone to them in this trouble notwithstanding the shameful manner in which he has treated me, had I known, but this is not to be [?] Unclear or illegible , Such a disgrace and such a handle as the doctors will make of it. Oh; the blindness of some persons willfully so too. Dear dear, what a time there is before us, unless the Christian ScientistsAs Written:C S's rouse themselves and rouse others to prompt action, I see it, I feel it.
Excuse haste, I wrote you Friday last,