ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois M’ch 22, 85
I enclose a letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. I receivedAs Written:rec'd yesterday from Alice Poole, Please read it carefully, and advise me what to do, am at a loss to know how to proceed. It makes me so sad to read it, I cannot bear the thought of her going wrong, or being blinded, it is dreadful to me. Do direct me dear. Will you Please send me one of your card photographs if you have one to spare, and also the exact dimensions from the highest point of your classic As Written: clasic eyebrowAs Written: eye brow, to the lowest point of your classic As Written: clasic chin Don’t think impertinent for I assure you it is not so meant for I love you more & more each day - Do not tell anyone As Written: any one I say so.
Give my love to the Col - if he is in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts, I hope he is and helping you, you dear over worked creature, - such industry always succeeds
Excuse haste as I have so many letters to write yet although I have written 9, today - Am very busy Goodbye As Written: Good bye and God bless you in all things