Since I’ve not heard from you in regard to the advice I asked you for, conclude you have not receivedAs Written:rec’d my letter written the 19th of this monthEditorial Note: See 163A.27.013., I am going to send this in such a way you will be sure to get it, You don’t know how much you are in my mind & how sincerely I sympathize with you in all your trials, and how the grandness As Written: grandniss of your example grows on me from day to day. Oh: I hope and pray I will have the courage & faith to stand for the Truth as you have.
Now I want to speak of the letter you wrote to Mr. Morrill which he read to the C.S.A. answering the questions, “What is the difference between Faith Cure & Christian Science. I thought and so did all except Morrill that it was perfect in every way, and we voted to not only have it placed on file, but have 500, copies struck off for the students to circulate
After such unanimous action being taken, he Morrill had no right to send the article back to you to be changedEditorial Note: See 563.59.018., as if he knew better than you how it ought to be, but it is just like him, he is the only one that questions everything As Written: every thing that comes up in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, Now I don’t like to add one pain to your many, but I feel it my duty to say something here about him, He studied with you, he is a member of the CS Association, he is looked upon as one of us, Yet he attends regularly the Presbyterian Church teaches a class in Sunday School in it, asks a personal God to heal his patients, and last but not least sends for an M.D. to attend his family, I had nothing to say when he sent for Dr Avery to attend his wife during her confinement, But after she got up, and was taken sick in belief with an old belief, he sent for an MD, gave her castor oil to move her bowels As Written: bowells , and a lot more which isn't As Written: is'nt worthwhile As Written: worth while to write you, think I have said enough to show you where he stands, I am told also that he prescribes As Written: perscribes remedies for his patients. Now in the face of these facts, what vexes me is his daring to question anything As Written: any thing you wrote on ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, “He said we will get into a row with the Churches if that is circulated” Why should we cater to church or creed, I know we have the Truth and, and if any people on earth can afford to ignore the churches & their creed, the Christian Scientists can, for we proveAs Written:proove our Christianity by our works, And “faith without works is dead”James 2:17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Oh: if I could only see you and have a talk with you, I have so much to say, How sorry I was to have you say “Life had passed roughly with you”, God must love you dearly, since He chasenes those He lovesHeb 12:5 And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him: Heb 12:6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. Heb 12:7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? . Now I asked you in my letter of the 19th Editorial Note: See 167A.27.013. to advise me which was best for me to do, To go to Boston this month and take the course to teach, (I do not think I ought to teach till I do) or go through another class? I could not leave here till January very well.
Will you advise me and also tell me how much my tuition would be as soon as convenient, You said in one of your letters for as many as could, come on and study for Teachers.
I suppose you know by this time that Mr & Mrs ColmanEditorial Note: E. L. Colman and Janet T. Colman are here. I was glad to see her and said I should expect she would be a great deal help to me in the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science, She said she was ready to do all she could, She is very fond of you, and sincere in her work so I hope As Written: hop she will be able to stand the fight. I shall help her all I can. I have been helping others ever since I entered the work and I know I’ve gained by so doing, “It is more blessed to give than receive”Acts 20:35 I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. I don’t As Written: dont write you as often as I should like to because I know how pressed you are for time, but I hope you will find time to write me soon a nice long letter with lots of good advice and wise aimed in it, for every word will be treasured up, and all directions followed. You want to know if I love you? If every student loved you, and proved their love as I have, your path would be a flowery one, compared with what it is now.
Nothing pains me like you doubting my fidelity, I come of different stock, from most of your students. None of our family we are prone As Written: prown to stoop to mean action, or disregard their word when once As Written: onced pledged. Ours is a family of Theologians, but like others who had everything As Written: every thing real to boast As Written: bost of, not say nothing, “I know that my Redeemer Liveth”Job 19:25 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: , and he will never forsake those who are faithful.