Accession: 155DP2.25.009
Editorial Title: Edward A. Kimball to Mary Baker Eddy, July 1, 1901
Author: Edward A. Kimball 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: July 1, 1901
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Edward A. Kimball on unlined printed stationery of the Hotel Somerset from Boston, Massachusetts.
Final Edits
Original Document

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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Beloved Mother-

As requested by you, I will endeavor to give you some estimates of the members of the present class and will begin with the foreigners-

None of the Dunmore familyEditorial Note: Charles A. Murray, Gertrude Murray, Lady Victoria A. Murray, and Lady Mildred Murray. were ready for this class- that is to say, they were not sufficiently advanced in the understanding of Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. or the practice thereof, to keep pace with the work we have been doing- It is highly probable however that they have all learned much and would express themselves as having received benefit with the possible exception of Lady Dunmore.

She seems to manifest but little mental acuteness on any plane. There does not seem to be much spiritual animus and she does not seem either to have what benefit would result from a keen intellectual insight of Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S - Her understanding of Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. was so incomplete incorrect and infirm that it was, I should say, of little value except as something to talk about

She needs constant prodding by someone who will fearlessly help her to break in upon an unloving, and exacting sense towards others- Her daughtersEditorial Note: Lady Victoria A. Murray and Lady Mildred Murray say that she demands Constant attention to herselfAs Written:her self- and feels that everyoneAs Written:every one should exert himselfAs Written:him self to save her while she does nothing - There must be great change before she can be relied upon to exert much influence in behalf of herself or others

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Lord Dunmore has a genuine love for Christian Science but has not an accurate technical knowledge of it-

He thought when he came here the material animals were made by God- and he had many other similar beliefs.

He gives promise of being useful, but will need much watching because there is a claim of instability

There is much of the glow of enthusiasm and no evidence of hypocrisy

On the other hand there is need of calmness and deliberation-

At present there is not sufficient maturity of understanding & judgment to warrant dependence upon him as a leader

If watched and protected he ought to and doubtless will turn out to be a valuable worker

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

He has many admirable traits

Lady Victoria & Lady Mildred Murray, and particularly the latter have a fair understanding and seem to be well fixed and grounded,

They do not succeed in making ample statements in the class but in private Conversation they give evidence of sensible understanding & application

Taking the Dunmore family as a whole & considering the fact that they have been of the effete nobility of Great Britain- I think they are doing pretty well, but are far from the standard of our best american scientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists

Lady Ramsay, and the Misses RamsayEditorial Note: Charlotte L. Ramsay and Emily M. Ramsay are excellent students

The young ladies are unusually Competent in classroomAs Written:class room, - In explaining and answering, they express themselves in a very effective and Convincing manner-

They are intelligent, earnest, well equipped & very promising= I think much reliance may be placed on them -

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Mr & Mrs MillerEditorial Note: William N. Miller and Frederica L. Miller are very much alike- lady & gentleman, well behaved, and well educated They are earnest and are permanently anchored in scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science

They do not have an accurate understanding, and do not manifest the force & mental vigor & confidence which are the evidences of demonstrated or self-evidentAs Written:self evident truth

They may be relied upon to improve- At present neither is as well qualified to teach as the Ramsays are

At present the Millers do not seem to posses the qualities essential to good leadership but they do not exhibit any serious faults.

Mlle Demarez of Paris is of the middle class, If she was not a scientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist she would not be noticeable or if she was in this country she would not be at all Conspicuous-

She is fairly well educated and has a good knowledge of scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science- I should say that she is honest, sincere strong, self-reliantAs Written:self reliant and brave- In the absence of a better leader in Paris she may be relied upon to do fairly well and I think she will be safe-

Having referred to all the Europeans except Mrs McNair who is an onlooker, I will say that while they do not as a whole, come up to the average of the class, it seems expedient to give them Certificates.- Not because they are all ready and qualified to teach, but because they have the foundation and ought to improve through experience and demonstration- In the meantime they Can if desirable be advised to go slowly at first or for a time-

It is evident that the teaching in England ought to be improved.

The Millers are already your students and have a certificate

To the extent that I have observed them, the students who were in your last classEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy’s last class was held in Concord, New Hampshire, on November 20-21, 1898. are lacking in theoretical knowledge of the way to handle error-

Miss Shipman as well as the Millers are instances, and they ought to study up science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy on this subject

Concerning the American students much may be said-

The Ministers.- Professors etc do very well-

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Simonson of BrooklynEditorial Note: Brooklyn, New York is a grand man- fine looking, benevolent, honest upright, manly- gentle, humble teachable- There is no rebellion against the teaching of Christian ScienceAs Written:C.S.- / Simply a desire to know-

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Rev Mann- of Idaho- very honest, upright- pure minded, loving- genuine, Not what the world would call great- but reliable.- admirable

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Reynolds of Manchester-

He readily accepts- Is pleasant as a student– no arrogance of scholarship-

His questions are in good faith and helpful- I do not know of any reason why he may not do well- I have no fault to find with him-

In time he ought to make a good teacher-

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Rev Hayford- of Vermont-

Honest– simple but unimportant- - good understanding, but not influential - trustworthy & reliable-

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Rev RomeEditorial Note: James J. Rome -

Evidently earnest and well established–

Fairly clear in understandings- Not especially clear and effective in statements–

Lacking in force & influence- and in the capacity to command attention and impress others-

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Wortheimer- Insignificant in appearance- sincere, ardent-, florid in utterance- dramatic assertive- alert- honest

During the year he has assimilated much of the teaching & he is improved

His statements are much more Correct- He is well read- Has been an industrious student & has lost much of the sense of his own importance as a converted Rabbi- He is a poor public speaker but does not know it-

I think he will after a time be a very fair or good teacher -

WillisEditorial Note: John B. Willis- refined- cultured- amiable well educated- accustomed to good society and good behavior gentle. Kind unobtrusive genuine.-

At this stage his grasp of Christian ScienceAs Written:C S. is on the intellectual side although he is naturally spiritually minded.

He has not demonstrated much -and his chief drawback lies in the fact that he clings much to the idea that the good(?) of mortal mind is very admirable and worthy to coalesce with scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science Mr Willis will progress rapidly as soon as he learns that what the world calls wisdom is foolishness with GodI Cor 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. -

I like him very much and have great hope Concerning him but no student in this class has needed such Constant attention on my part or needed as much argument in order to yield & be satisfied -

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Prof Moseley- is a small man of say 33 years.- not at all impressive in appearance or speech- He has been a great student and reader-

His manner is enthusiastic He is mentally alert- very kind and pleasant-

He grasps the true statement quickly and realizes that error is crumbling beneath the analysis of Christian Science-

Moreover he is glad to see it crumble-

I think he will show up well in the future-

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Prof. HeringEditorial Note: Hermann S. Hering is a fine-lookingAs Written:fine looking man, dignified, elegant calm, quiet, unobtrusive- genuine humility- well educated, well behaved Last year he wrote the best paper on Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. practice & malpractice -

In timeAs Written:Intime he will be of great service- He is perhaps lacking in a certain kind of energy or force but has many excellent qualities

Farlow esteems him highly on the Publication work– and he would doubtless be good as and editor, teacher or reader

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Judge Jones of Kentucky is mentally Keen –and sound.

He is rather quiet- unostentatious- It is a good thing to have him developing down there in Kentucky where good workers are needed-

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Mr Young of ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois- 1st reader in 2ndAs Written:2d Church

Intelligent- loving and loveable upright- manly- good speaker good teacher- genuine humility. clear understanding- much liked by everybodyAs Written:every body

One of the best students of the Second generation that I know of–

Mr Kinter of BuffaloEditorial Note: Buffalo, New York-

A splendid man- One of the most interesting members of the class- a genuine; Kind strong- generous fellow who is too grand in general to be small or mean– in particular- sensible businesslikeAs Written:business like- effective- Would be a good man for you to have in Boston- so would, Mr Young

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Mr Eaton of MinneapolisEditorial Note: Minneapolis, Minnesota an ex-editorAs Written:ex editor, is a man of say 40 years- Capable clear effective - He indicates much promise- and will doubtless be of great service

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

There are other men in the class who have been in the work for some time and who will undoubtedly Continue to do well, but they are not Conspicuous-

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

There are many excellent women- They average to know more about ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science and practice- than the men.

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Mrs CongerEditorial Note: Sarah Pike Conger of Pekin is a woman of sterling qualities- devout earnest, intelligent- She will do. well

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Among the others, those who are best qualified and most to be relied on for effective work are-

Mrs Stewart of Chicago

" Gaylord " Minneapolis

" Fairleigh " St Joseph MissouriAs Written:Mo

" Conger (No 2), MilwaukeeEditorial Note: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

" Williams Berlin, OntarioAs Written:Ont

Miss Revenaugh Louisville KentuckyAs Written:Ky

I hardly know what to say of Mr. W. L. Johnson- He is perhaps the least transparent of any of the students- He has been a student and is naturally given to criticism

Possibly he attends more to form than to the spirit- I do not object to him but do not feel that I am acquainted with his, status in Christian Science-

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

It may be said of this class that it Contains many people who were ladies and gentlemen before they were ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists. People who were accustomed As Written: acustomed to the respectable amenities of life and knew what it was to achieve something and cultivate what talents they had-

My observation is that to a large extent such as these are doing the most effective work– All other things being equal they will accomplish in the future and present Christian science in a favorable way

The class will close at noon today- I shall spend the afternoon and probably all of tomorrow talking privately with students who want to have this done-

After that I would like to go up and see you as soon as you can arrange to see me

Lovingly your
E A Kimball
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Beloved Mother-

As requested by you, I will endeavor to give you some estimates of the members of the present class and will begin with the foreigners-

None of the Dunmore familyEditorial Note: Charles A. Murray, Gertrude Murray, Lady Victoria A. Murray, and Lady Mildred Murray. were ready for this class- that is to say, they were not sufficiently advanced in the understanding of C. S.Expanded:Christian Science or the practice thereof, to keep pace with the work we have been doing- It is highly pro [?] Unclear or illegible bable however that they have all learned much and would express themselves as having received benefit with the possible exception of Lady Dunmore.

She seems to manifest but little mental acuteness on any plane. There does not seem to be much spiritual animus and she does not seem either to have what benefit would result from a keen intellectual insight of C. SExpanded:Christian Science - Her understanding of C. S.Expanded:Christian Science was so incomplete incorrect and infirm that it was, I should say, of little value except as something to talk about

She needs constant prodding by someone who will fearlessly help her to break in upon an unloving, and exacting sense towards others- Her daughtersEditorial Note: Lady Victoria A. Murray and Lady Mildred Murray say that she demands Constant attention to her selfCorrected:herself- and feels that every oneCorrected:everyone should exert him selfCorrected:himself to save her while she does nothing - There must be great change before she can be relied upon to exert much influence in behalf of herself or others

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Lord Dunmore has a genuine love for Christian Science but has not an accurate technical knowledge of it-

He thought when he came here the material animals were made by God- and he had many other similar beliefs.

He gives promise of being useful, but will need much watching because there is a claim of instability

There is much of the glow of enthusiasm and no evidence of hypocraisy

On the other hand there is need of calmness and deliberation-

At present there is not sufficient maturity of understanding & judgment to warrant dependence upon him as a leader

If watched and protected he ought to and doubtless will turn out to be a valuable worker

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

He has many vadmirable traits

Lady Victoria & Lady Mildred Murray, and particularly the latter have a fair understanding and seem to be well fixed and grounded,

They do not succeed in making ample statements in the class but in private Conversation they give evidence of sensible understanding & application

Taking the Dunmore family as a whole & considering the fact that they h [?] Unclear or illegible ave been of the [?] Unclear or illegible effete nobility of Great Britain- I think they are doing pretty well, but are far from the standard of our best american scientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists

Lady Ramsay, and the Misses RamsayEditorial Note: Charlotte L. Ramsay and Emily M. Ramsay are excellent students

The young ladies are unusually Competent in class roomCorrected:classroom, - In explaining and answering, they express themselves in a very effective and Convincing manner-

They are intelligent, earnest, well equipped & very promising= I think much reliance may be placed on them -

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Mr & Mrs MillerEditorial Note: William N. Miller and Frederica L. Miller are very much alike- lady & gentleman, well behaved, and well educated They are earnest and are permanently anchored in scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science

They do [?] Unclear or illegible  not have an accurate understanding, and do not manifest the force & mental vigor & confidence which [?] Unclear or illegible  are the evidences of demonstrated or self evidentCorrected:self-evident truth

They may be relied upon to improve- At present neither is as well qualified to teach as the Ramsays are

At present the Millers do not seem to posses the qualities essential to good leadership but they do not exhibit any serious faults.

Mlle Demarez of Paris is of the middle class, If she was not a scientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist she would not be noticeable or if she was in this country she would not be at all Conspicuous-

She is fairly well educated and has a good knowledge of scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science- I should say that she is honest, sincere strong, self reliantCorrected:self-reliant and brave- In the absence of a better leader in Paris she may be relied upon to toAs Written:to do fairly well and I think she will be safe-

Having referred to all the Europeans except Mrs McNair who is an onlooker, I will say that while they do not as a whole, come up to the average of the class, it seems expedient to give them Certificates.- Not because they are all ready and qualified to teach, but because they have the foundation and ought to improve through experience and demonstration- In the meantime they Can if desirable be advised to go slowly at first or for a time-

It is evident that the teaching in England ought to be improved.

The Millers are already your students and have a certificate

To the extent that I have observed them, the students who were in your last classEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy’s last class was held in Concord, New Hampshire, on November 20-21, 1898. are lacking in theoretical knowledge of the way to handle error-

Miss Shipman as well as the Millers are instances, and they ought to study up science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy on this subject

Concerning the American students much may be said-

The Ministers.- Professors etc do very well-

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Simonson of BrooklynEditorial Note: Brooklyn, New York is a grand man- fine looking, benevolent, honest upright, manly- gentle, humble teachable- There is no rebellion against the teaching of C.S.Expanded:Christian Science- / Simply a desire to know-

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Rev Mann- of Idaho- very honest, upright- pure minded, loving- genuine, Not what the world would call g [?] Unclear or illegible reat- but reliable.- admirable

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Reynolds of Manchester-

He readily accepts- Is pleasant as a student– no arrogance of scholarship-

His questions are in good faith and helpful- I do not know of any reason why he may not do well- I have no fault to find with him-

In time he ought to make a good teacher-

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Rev Hayford- of Vermont-

Honest– simple but unimportant- - good understanding, but not influential - trustworthy & reliable-

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Rev RomeEditorial Note: James J. Rome -

Evidently earnest and well established–

Fairly clear in understandings- Not especially clear and effective in statements–

Lacking in force & influence- and in the capacity to command attention and impress others-

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Wortheimer- Insignificant in appearance- sincere, ardent-, florid in utterance- dramatic assertive- alert- honest

During the year he has assimilated much of the teaching & he is improved

His statements are much more Correct- He is well read- Has been an industrious student & has lost much of the sense of his own importance as a converted raRabbi- He is a poor public speaker but does not know it-

I think he will after a time be a very fair or good teacher -

WillisEditorial Note: John B. Willis- refined- cultured- amiable well educated- acucustomed to good society and good behavior gentle. Kind unobtrusive genuine.-

At this stage his grasp of C S.Expanded:Christian Science is on the intellectual side although he is naturally spiritually minded.

He has not demonstrated much -and his chief drawback [?] Unclear or illegible  lies in the fact that he clings much to the idea that the good(?) of mortal mind is very admirable and worthy to coalesce with scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science Mr Willis will progress rapidly as soon as he learns that what the world calls wisdom is foolishness with GodI Cor 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. -

I like him very much and have great hope Concerning him but no student in this class has needed such Constant attention on my part or needed as much argument in order to yield & be satisfied -

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Prof Moseley- is a small man of say 33 years.- not at all impressive in appearance or speech- He has been a great student and reader-

His manner is enthusiastic He is mentally alert- very kind and pleasant-

He grasps the true statement quickly and realizes that error is crumbling beneath the analysis of Christian Science-

Moreover he is glad to s [?] Unclear or illegible ee it crumble-

I think he will show up well in the future-

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Prof. HeringEditorial Note: Hermann S. Hering is a fine lookingCorrected:fine-looking man, dignified, elegant calm, quiet, unobtrusive- genuine humility- well educated, well behaved Last year he wrote the best paper on C. S.Expanded:Christian Science practice & malpractice -

IntimeCorrected:In time he will be of great service- He is perhaps lacking in a certain kind of energy or force but has many excellent qualities

Farlow esteems him highly on the Publication work– and he would doubtless be good as and editor, teacher or reader

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Judge Jones of Kentucky is mentally Keen –and sound.

He is rather quiet- unostentatious- It is a good thing to have him developing down there in Kentucky where good workers are needed-

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Mr Young of ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois- 1st reader in 2dOriginal:2nd Church

Intelligent- loving and loveable upright- manly- good speaker good teacher- genuine humility. clear understanding- m [?] Unclear or illegible uch liked by every bodyCorrected:everybody

One of the best students of the Second generation that I know of–

Mr Kinter of BuffaloEditorial Note: Buffalo, New York-

A splendid man- One of the most interesting members of the class- a genuine; Kind strong- generous fellow who is too grand in general to be small or mean– in particular- sensible business likeCorrected:businesslike- effective- Would be a good man for you to have in Boston- so would, Mr Young

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Mr Eaton of MinneapolisEditorial Note: Minneapolis, Minnesota an ex editorCorrected:ex-editor, is a man of say 40 years- Capable clear effective - He indicates much promise- and will doubtless be of great service

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

There are other men in the c [?] Unclear or illegible lass who have been in the work for some time and who will undoubtedly Continue to do well, but they are not Conspicuous-

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

There are many excellent women- They average to know more about ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science and practice- than the men.

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Mrs CongerEditorial Note: Sarah Pike Conger of Pekin is a woman of sterling qualities- devout earnest, intelligent- She will do. well

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

Among the others, those who are best qualified and most to be relied on for effective work are-

Mrs Stewart of Chicago

" Gaylord " Minneapolis

" Fairleigh " St Joseph MoExpanded:Missouri

" Conger (No 2), MilwaukeeEditorial Note: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

" Williams Berlin, OntExpanded:Ontario

Miss Revenaugh Louisville KyExpanded:Kentucky

I hardly know what to say of Mr. W. L. Johnson- He is perhaps the least transparent of any of the students- He has been a student and is naturally given to criticism

Possibly is he attends more to form than to the spirit- I do not object to him but do not feel that I am acquainted with his, status in Christian Science-

[*]Editorial Note: A horizontal line is drawn across the page here.

It may be said of this class that it Contains many people who were ladies and gentlemen before they were ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists. People who wer [?] Unclear or illegible e acustomed Corrected: accustomed to the respectable amenities of life and knew what it was to achieve something and cultivate what talents they had-

My observation is that to a large extent such as these are doing the most effective work– All other things being equal they will accomplish in the future and present Christian science in a favorable way

The class will close at noon today- I shall spend the afternoon and probably all of tomorrow talking privately with students who want to have this done-

After that I would like to go up and see you as soon as you can arrange to see me

Lovingly your
E A Kimball
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Shown for development purposes only
Boston, Massachusetts Charles A. Murray, Gertrude Murray, Lady Victoria A. Murray, and Lady Mildred Murray. Lady Victoria A. Murray and Lady Mildred Murray A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. Christian Scientists Charlotte L. Ramsay and Emily M. Ramsay A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. William N. Miller and Frederica L. Miller Christian Science Christian Scientist Christian Science Mary Baker Eddy’s last class was held in Concord, New Hampshire, on November 20-21, 1898. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. Brooklyn, New York A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. James J. Rome A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. John B. Willis Christian Science A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. Hermann S. Hering A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. Chicago, Illinois Buffalo, New York A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. Minneapolis, Minnesota A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. Christian Science A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. Sarah Pike Conger A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. Milwaukee, Wisconsin A horizontal line is drawn across the page here. Christian Scientists