I have been thinking about writing to you for some time, but have hesitated about doing so not knowing as it would be best, but have come to the conclusion that it is the only sure way of ascertaining whether Dr A.B. Dorman, (a student of yours who is in practice in this city,) is qualified to teach Christian science or mental healing, in a thorough As Written: thurough and satisfactory manner? possibly I ought to have asked this question some time ago, but did not think it necessary as he advertised himself as a teacher as well as a practitionerAs Written: practioner , and upon conversing with him he told me he considered himself competent to impart the knowledge to others, so I commenced alone, the 6th of Oct, felt quite well satisfied the few first lessons, in fact I could find no fault, only, that the lessons were a little shorter than I expected them to be. but concluded that was owing to his having only one in the class, but before long I had various reasons for feeling disappointed, such as lessons being very short and not finding him in &c, and before I was through I felt his neglect very keenly, my friends also noticed it, ere long I told him how I felt, he said he would not confine me to simply 12 lessons but to come in any time and ask questions or advice until I thoroughly understood it, I did so a few times but concluded that was no way to do business, and that I never could get to understand the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science in that way, so I concluded to talk with a few who have learned and are in practice, in regard to their instruction, after talking with them, I am thoroughly convinced that I did not receive proper As Written: propper instruction. I wrote to Dr. Dorman to that effect, but he thinks I can heal if I am a mind to; and only believe, now I read in your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. that one must understand before they can believe, however I told him he must do better, or refund my money and now he has promised to give me twelve good lessons and instruct me in the scriptures which he did not do before, and give me good attention until As Written: untill I am through, but the questions is, is he qualified to teach? if not I prefer to learn of someone that is, for I am very poor and have a sick Mother to help care for and have no money to throw away. I paid him one hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $100.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $2,640.65 in 2019. before As Written: befor I took a lesson, and I think I ought to have good instruction for that amount. now if you think Dr D. can teach me properly I will give him another trial. I do not wish to harm him in the least, he has my best wishes, and I have not told you my past experience with him in a way of complaint, only to explain why I am not satisfied, and I also wish to inform myself in regard to his qualification for a teacher, my business has been nursing, and perhaps I have more to unlearn than some have.
I know I am a stranger to you but you can depend upon my word. My friends (those I have informed) do not feel satisfied with my instruction no more than I do myself. he has made me a fair promise to do better and I hope all will go well. will you please be kind enough to tell me what you think about his qualifications to teach?
trusting to hear from you soon
Worcester As Written: Worchester
MassachusettsAs Written:Mass
No 31 Clifton st.
P.S. I am sorry indeed to trouble you with this unpleasant letter but do not know of any better way to inform myself, and if you will be kind enough to write me a few lines I will be truly thankful, M.B.