Accession: 131.23.001
Editorial Title: Charles H. Rust to Alfred Farlow, January 24, 1907
Author: Charles H. Rust 
Recipient: Alfred Farlow 
Date: January 24, 1907
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Charles H. Rust on unlined paper from Cincinnati, Ohio.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mr. Alfred Farlow
Boston, MassachusettsAs Written:Mass.
My Dear Sir

Your letter of the 9th. inst., addressed to Mrs. Marshall, has been referred to me for reply. I have a distinct impression, strengthened by frequent conversations with my deceased Father, that when he was Principal of the New Hampshire Conference Seminary, early in the Fifties; he employed Mrs. Eddy, who was a member of good standing in the Congregationalist Church, as a substitute for one of his teachers, who was temporarily disabled by sickness, in which relationship, she did most effective service.

Yours Very truly
Chas. H. Rust.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mr. Alfred Farlow
Boston, Mass.Expanded:Massachusetts
My Dear Sir

Your letter of the 9th. inst., addressed to Mrs. Marshall, has been referred to me for reply. I have a distinct impression, strengthened by frequent conversations with my deceased Father, that when he was Principal of the New Hampshire S Conference Seminary, early in the Fifties; he employed Mrs. Eddy, who was a member of good standing in the Congregationalist Church, as a substitute for one of his teachers, who was temporarily disabled by sickness, in which relationship, she did most effective service.

Yours Very truly
Chas. H. Rust.
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