Accession: 079.18.007
Editorial Title: Anna M. Harvey to Calvin A. Frye, December 8, 1886
Author: Anna M. Harvey 
Recipient: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: December 8, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Anna M. Harvey on unlined paper from Cincinnati, Ohio.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Brother

If Mr and Mrs F J Atwell of Schenectady New YorkAs Written:N Y wishes to enter the primary class in January Please accept them if possible As Written: posible as he can leave home best that month I remembered As Written: rememberd yesterday that they said in April that would be the only month he could go As Written: goe to class I wrote him immediately As Written: imediately to apply if they wished to go Mrs Atwell is my Eldest child I do so hope they will go. Miss Brown wrote me she would teach a class if I would get one for her I am using every exertion to have one next month was the reason As Written: reasion I spoke of starting an Institute your not answering my letter I conclude you don't As Written: dont think favorable of it

yours sincerely in Truth
Mrs A M Harvey
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Brother

If Mr and Mrs F J Atwell of Schenectady N YExpanded:New York wishes to enter the primary class in January Please accept them if posible Corrected: possible as he can leave home best that month I rememberd Corrected: remembered yesterday that they said in April that would be the only month he could goe Corrected: go to class I wrote him imediately Corrected: immediately to apply if they wished to go Mrs Atwell is my Eldest child I do so hope they will go. Miss Brown wrote me she would teach a class if I would get one for her I am using every exertion to have one next month was the reasion Corrected: reason I spoke of starting an Institute your not answering my letter I conclude you dont Corrected: don't think favorable of it

yours sinceryely in Truth
Mrs A M Harvey
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