Accession: 070.17.021
Editorial Title: Lizzie L. Filbert to Mary Baker Eddy, December 9, 1885
Author: Lizzie L. Filbert 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 9, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Lizzie L. Filbert on embossed lined paper from Council Bluffs, Iowa.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I am one of the Mrs. B. F. Fenns Patients As Written: Pactions of Omaha– NebraskaAs Written:Neb– have been taking treatment of her for One month for sick headaches— and other troublesAs Written:trubbles. I have suffered a great deal for the last 10 years and I feel As Written: feal that Mrs. Fenn is doing me much good. Now I am very Anxious to Learn to heal the sick but I am a very Poor Scholar As Written: Schooler I have a very poor .. EducationAs Written:Educion.. now do you think I could Learn to heal the sick I have a set of your 300Editorial Note: $3.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $79.07 in 2019. BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and have subscribed for the journal I also have a sister who As Written: whoo is anxious to learn what would be your price for us both As Written: boath and would It make any difference if we did not come together for we have both As Written: boath a family and I have a baby one year old and for that Reason I should like to come one at a time so as to leave my baby with her While I am gone. and then I could stay with her family while she goes her son taking treatments of Mrs. Finn, my husband is a grocer and her Husband is a Real Estate—dealer. now will you please be so Kind as to Answer very soon as I am very Anxious, And how much your price for both As Written: boath and also for one and what price is Board— and— Room and if you think I could Learn how long would it take me.

Mrs.. J. P.. Filbert
Council As Written: Cowncil Bluffs
7,10 first Avenue

P. S.

please Answer soon when will the term begin

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I am one of the Mrs. B. F. Fenns Pactions Corrected: Patients of Omaha– Neb–Expanded:Nebraska have been taking treatment of her for One month for sick headaches— and other trubblesCorrected:troubles. I have suffered a great deal for the last 10 years and I feal Corrected: feel that Mrs. Fenn is doing me much good. Now I am very Anxious to Learn to heal the sick but I am a very Poor Schooler Corrected: Scholar I have a very poor .. EducionCorrected:Education.. now do you think I could Learn to heal the sick I have a set of your 300Editorial Note: $3.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $79.07 in 2019. BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and have subscribed for the journelal I also have a sister whoo Corrected: who is anxious to learn what would be your price for us boath Corrected: both and would It make any difference if you we did not come together for we have boath Corrected: both a family and I have a baby one year old and for that Reason I should like to come one at a time so as to leave my baby with her While I am gone. and then I could stay with her family while she goes her son taking treatments of Mrs. Finn, my husband is a grocer and her Husband is a Real Estate—dlealer. now will you please be so Kind as to Answer very soon as I am very Anxious, And how much your price for boath Corrected: both and also for one and what price is Board— and— Room and if you think I could Learn how long would it take me.

Mrs.. J. P.. Filbert
Cowncil Corrected: Council Bluffs
7,10 first Avenue

P. S.

please Answer soon when will the term begin

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$3.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $79.07 in 2019. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy